SaaS Idea Validation: Shareable Chats 💬

Hi everyone,

I'm excited to share my product idea with you and would love to hear your feedback on it.

The idea for this SaaS product is to enable freelancers to create chat channels that their customers can access without the need for an account. This means that freelancers can easily communicate with their clients without the added friction of requiring them to create an account or log in to a platform.

One of the key features of this product is the ability to send large-size videos or other types of media, such as documents or photos. This allows freelancers to showcase their work to clients in a more interactive and engaging way, which can help them win more business and build stronger relationships with their clients.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this idea. Do you think it's a useful app? Is there anything missing that you think would make it better? How likely would you be to use it?

Thank you for your feedback!

Link to MVP if you are interested in seeing how it works in action. If free for now as I'm trying to validate the idea:

posted to
on February 23, 2023
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    The problem with this for me as a freelancer is that clients usually have a tool that they prefer and they almost always try to make me use that or we just use email/text

    I think if the chats could be synced with SMS and email it'd be really powerful while fitting on top of a lot of freelancers current stacks (that can get really hard to manage with many clients)

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      Thanks. So how do you usually send large files like videos etc? You think that created chat should have a mobile number assigned to it so that customers can text on that number and you could reply via web?

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        Small files we send via emails or text
        Large files that don't need security we use google drive
        Large files that need security we use https://wetransfer.com/ (we rarely send files bigger than 2 GB)
        For videos we use Youtube if they need the raw video we use google drive

        In general we use common tools so clients don't have to think (wetransfer is a small exception)

        For us 90% of our deliverables are images, PDFs, or links then 10% are programming builds

        I think that having a chat tied to mobile and email via a web inbox would be very useful (right now I text a bunch of clients in groups / individually and this get's unwieldy).

        I also like providing clients with high touch empathy responses so leaving notes in each chat might be helpful tool (though maybe a CRM integration would be better)

        I think what will make the chat feature unique is focusing in on how it's a system of engagement that turns into a system of record (TK Kader on youtube reviews this forgot the specific video: https://www.youtube.com/c/TKKader?app=desktop)

        A system of record stores info (once a user has a lot in a system they probably won't move) [Airtable, Notion, Google Drive, Dropbox, Hubspot, etc]
        A system of decision helps users make decisions based on data [Databox, Quickbooks, FathomHQ, etc]
        A system of engagement helps users act on decisions [Social Media (at first), Canva (at first), etc]

        I think depending on the interface or unique hook you could come up with a great system of engagement then as people use the system to engage clients it'll be harder to switch, however, you'll need a booster to get them to keep using your solution vs competitors.

        Hope this helps!

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          Thanks for the feedback much appreciated. So this is the exact problem that my saas solves you use only one website to communicate as well as send files no need for multiple accounts, and even your customer do not need to create account to chat with you nice and simple. All then need to do is click a link.

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