Saas product, My 2nd try

Hey guys,

Few months ago I launched something without going through market validation things and communication. Even if everyone said it and since I am a dev, I made that big mistake.

So for everyone in this case, again someone tell you, take the time to talk about your project!!

So this time, even without a name (suggest me one in the com? 🤭) or a ready landing page, I'd like to introduce my next project: a way to build AI creators in a minute for your video promo/ads/content.

I worked a while on developing the model, and here is the best result I got : https://x.com/glidedad/status/1785160468098683322

Let me know your thoughts on the idea, and show me what you guys are working on!

See you,

on April 30, 2024
  1. 1

    Hello GadYndie, have you tried posting on other forums yet? Like reddit, product hunt, twitter, etc to get people talking. The demo is really nice! maybe show a few more examples of social media posts that can demonstrate the usage and how people can incorporate it into their framework would go along way. Tuts along with tech explanation also would help.

    1. 1

      Hey! So far I just posted here and on twitter, i'll post on reddit ph and hn when the product is a bit more ready 😅.
      Agreed with you, I need to demonstrate the usage, so if someone wants to test it for his content/ads let me know!

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      have you some recommandations ? btw the product is not launched

  2. 1

    wow, the idea is crazy! The video looks pretty real and not AI generated at all, only the voice seems a bit weird. If you fix that, you will have a great product for sure! Good luck with it

    1. 2

      Thank you! I definitely need to work on the tts model yes!

      1. 2

        yes, if you improve that it will be a great tool!!! Keep going bro 😎👊🏽

  3. 1

    That's amusing, can probably gain some votes on creepy vids or something

    There is some audio-video sync issue I think. That neck stretch at the final yell of "beta"...

    "the best result i got so far" - so don't expect much?

    There was a recent yt titled like "this popular creator replaced himself with AI and nobody noticed"

    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback!

      Yes, I definitely expect much better result, but it was the best until today as I start talking about.

      Are you talking about "This YouTuber Replaced Himself With AI & Everyone Hates It" ? If yes, it was about a youtuber who replace himself with a 3d animated character, so not really the same thing, and i'm not doing it for that. The purpose is to create short video for ads/content especially to promote something

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