Save your coworking space!

Hi, I'm Jiri from CoworkBooking.com. As many coworking spaces struggle during these crazy times, we launched a new feature, which allows anyone from freelance/nomad community to donate money to coworking space. It's already launched but we didn't really communicate it anywhere yet so I would like to ask your opinion (or just test it).

We also think about launching a feature that would allow to book a desk for indefinite date in the future, in other words you would help coworking space with cashflow.

Please let me know your opinion, would you be willing to help a coworking space? We believe that now will be shown that global freelance community stick together and it was never just plain words.

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    I'd be happy to buy a gift certificate to use at a later time. Especially if they served food. and I could just cash it in later for a meal or two. Not even thinking only work space. I'm already buying gift certificates to barbers I want to go to.

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      Coworking spaces usually don't serve food (but some of them actually do!), but I like the idea of gift certificate. I will discuss with the team as we just talk about similar feature mentioned above (this desk for indefinite date ). Thanks!
      Btw did you test the donation feature on the web? Do you have any questions?

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        All the ones in Bali do serve food.

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