Seeking non-tech Co Founder for Marketing non-traditional SaaS

Hi everyone,

My name is Abhishek and I'm the creator of https://rocketnetworking.net.
Rocket Networking is a managed Multiplayer Solution for game developers using the Gamemaker Engine.

Let me break it down for you.
Gamemaker is the easiest to use Game Engine that anyone can use to make games.
Rocket Networking is the easiest and frankly only low code plugin on Gamemaker for multiplayer games.

It is a subscription based platform starting from a free trial, then $5/mo, $19/mo and higher.

I've got really good reviews and feedback from all my current users, and it is a working product. I have built a public community and a private community for RNet.

However, it's been really hard for me to reach out and market RNet effectively, especially to small game studios who would love this product. Here are some stats on the Gamemaker Community, and let's compare it with the world's most popular game engine, Unity.
Gamemaker Reddit : 83k members
Unity Reddit: 368k members

Both Unity and Gamemaker's build in multiplayer solutions were/are subpar. In the case of Unity, a startup called Photon Unity Networking took the lead and now its the go to solution for Unity Multiplayer games.
In the case of Gamemaker its very disorganized and I'm trying to take the lead, and given the ease of use and popularity, once we reach the point of organic growth, I'm sure RNet will be the biggest player here. But I am having trouble reaching that point, and I could use some help.

As a rule of thumb 100 customers => $1k profit/mo (about 2k MRR)

This isn't like an AI SaaS, and will not be affected by AI. There was a problem, and here is a solution.

I am looking for someone who can help me improve my outreach so we can finally hit the point of orgnic growth, maybe at least 100 users. This isn't like your traditional SaaS but given the nature, churn is going to be extremely low. And the success of Photon Unity Networking is an indicator of this kind of a thing working out and being extremely successful.

A lot of people here are very well versed with WebDev, GameDev communities and have a lot of SaaS experience, and I am looking for a partner who would like to work wth me and take this forward.
Here is my WhatsApp : +91 9845540067

  1. 1

    I see that you believe in communities. I do as well, and in addition to leading The Tavern for the last 5 years, to 17K+ members, and built other communities before this, I have plans for a suite of businesses that serve community owners (or the organizations behind them - ask about this when we talk).

    If interested, please see https://medium.com/hashtag-academy/new-ritekit-adjunct-project-seeks-full-stack-dev-lead-for-equity-position-d19a756d6235 and you will find the link to apply in Wellfound.

    Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon.

  2. 1

    Don't you think that gaming studios already are using such a service or have their own customized version?

  3. 1

    I can do SEO for you, if you don't mind

  4. 1

    Already whatsapped u. Tried calling u, u did not pick up.
    we can do zoom & chat soon

    1. 1

      Hi! I just got back to you! So sorry, I was asleep at that time.

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