Seeking to acquire a startup

Hello All,

I'm a former tech founder who is now in the business of acquiring early stage companies. ( LinkedIn profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/drewcorona/ )

I'm interested in acquiring or investing in a post-revenue startup with a minimum ARR of $30K & TTP of $10K. The company must also reflect solid MoM customer or user growth minimum of 10%. I have no problem working on companies that have suffered depreciating values based on declining performances.

I'm searching for a side hustle that requires less than 20 hour a week commitment or has the opportunity to automate to reduce workload to less than 15 hours. Ideally the platform runs on minimal tech stack but we have a technical team (if needed) for more complex platforms.

We don't need complete business plan since our core skill sets are GTM and scaling.

Please reach out if you are interested in selling your side hustle or startup.

Industry Type: Agnostic

Product Type: Agnostic (Newsletters, SaaS, AI Content, etc.)

Ideally something with with AI component.

Tech Stack: Minimal but can bring outside devs for support

Target Market: USA or North America with global potential customer base


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on December 17, 2023
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