SEO help needed, Google does not index my site?

Google only index and show the root page... after I submitted a sitemap it now shows them as different variants of not indexed.

Any tips? Just wait? Write better content?

Site in question be Narratrail

posted to
on November 19, 2022
  1. 1

    I have seen your comment that your pages are indexed.. Well & Good..
    But still let me suggest you few tips... Follow for better results in the forthcoming days...

    1. Check if your website has been penalized
    2. Check your website's robots.txt file
    3. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly
    4. Submit your sitemap to Google
    5. Check for technical issues
    6. Build high-quality backlinks

    Finally, you have to be patient buddy as it can take time for Google to index your website. If you have made changes to your website, it may take a few days or even weeks for these changes to be reflected in search results. If you experience hard times when you track your keyword rankings manually and maintain their history, just explore our free seo tool - Serpple..

    The best daily seo rank tracking tracks your keyword rankings with 99.5% accuracy and valuable features are available in this tool like SERP feature tracking, competitor tracking, customizable reports, and many more which will create a big impact in the long run on your SEO journey.

    Website: https://www.serpple.com/blog/daily-rank-tracking-software/?cmp=referral-marketing&src=indiehackers&mdm=daily-rank-tracking-software

  2. 1

    #1 - You don't need a meta keywords tag, use those keywords IN your content -->
    <meta name="keywords" content="AWS, CloudTrail, Slack, Monitoring, Devops, Chatops">

    #2 - Looks like your blog pages are indexed now :)

    #3 - Setup a robots file --> https://www.narratrail.com/robots.txt

    #4 - Setup a 404 page --> https://www.narratrail.com/404 (so whenever a user hits a broken page they don't get "access denied" and it responds with a 404 server code.

    #5 - Sometimes it just takes time!

    1. 1

      Thank you!

      Yes I noticed today that the pages were suddenly indexed. Exciting!

  3. 1

    Yes, Write better content.
    But before that, make sure your website is easily accessible to Google bots. You can follow my tips for better crawlability:

    1. Make clean URLs
    2. Set up robots file well
    3. Create sitemaps on the website
    4. Submit your web pages on social media before putting a crawl request
    5. Interlink relevant pages

    I am sure this will help.

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