Share blogs you enjoy reading

Recently I've been getting a bit fed up with the short form content on Twitter, so I'd like to start reading more blogs. You guys have any recommendations of blogs you enjoy reading? Feel free to self promote as well!

posted to
on February 2, 2023
  1. 1

    I think this post is very helpful and full of useful information. So, I'd like to thank you for all the hard work you put into writing this article.

  2. 1

    If you're bored, you can read cooking blogs or play fun simple games like in the meantime.

  3. 1

    I write mostly about web development-related topics: claritydev.net/blog

  4. 1

    Here are few that I read:
    https://compile7.org/decompile - For all things programming and security
    https://mojoauth.com/blog/ - Digital Identity, Passwords, Passwordless, Authentication, Security
    https://compile7.org/decompile/top-developer-blogs-you-should-read/ - This has the top 10 developer blogs

    1. 1

      will check it out, thanks :)

  5. 1

    What kind of content are you into?
    I mean if you're interested in product management and software development I recommend this blog because the articles are written by an experienced team and the sources are carefully picked and checked so it's trustworthy!

    1. 2

      looks really cool!

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