Share your Instagram

Share your Instagram below.

posted to Icon for group Instagram
on October 7, 2020
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      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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    My product, ruttl.com is designed specially for collaborations between cross functional teams, such as UX designers, web developers, project managers and clients.

    Do feel free to check out the Instagram page at

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      This is super creative and they look nice! You should post more of these!

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      Made me smile. You should post more imo. You have a perfect audience here on IH on top of that.

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    I just started an account where I will share tips and tricks on academic writing. Anyone in uni?

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    👋🏻All - if your Instagram account is business (just an account setting switch in the app) and if it's connected to your facebook page, then I would really love you to test our prototype app (iOS) that unlocks advanced Instagram analytics for free.

    If at least 1 person here is interested, I'll share a public app download link in the comments :) What do you say?

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    I am making baby steps with Playground Instagram. It's for people to work on their own Playgrounds.

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    This is personal but a passion project

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    a little late to this but just now decided I need to purge my IG and swap in more indiehackers - looking forward to following y'all 🤘🤘https://www.instagram.com/dante.vit/

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      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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    I share tips and frameworks about product development

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    I made a unique personality test with just 3 open-ended questions:

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      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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    This is my personal account, I mostly post artistic pthotos from my life, with my motorcycle, landscapes, that kind of stuff.

    I might hijack it with makers stuff as I'm looking forward to starting a blog or a newsletter or both, dunno, but for sure will work perfectly with Instagram.


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    I try to post helpful information about legal issues around ecommerce and social media marketing.

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    Hello! 🙋‍♀️ I am a graphic and web designer.
    This is my profile: https://www.instagram.com/monikart_graficno.oblikovanje/

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    Hi, just starting with my Instagram strategy and I must admit that it's a challenging platform!


    I'm building https://apparent.today, an online service for parents to learn about parenting and child psychology through short daily listenings (2-5 mins).

    On IG I'm sharing science, stories & satire related to my niche. Feel free to support by checking it out!

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    I post stuff about quantum physics and quantum computing.


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    Mostly landscape photos I took :D Happy to connect!

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      @sleptsov just sauced you a follow 🤘🤘

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    Here we go :) I make presentation / pitch deck designs every week


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      Followed you @felix12777 - slick slides 🤘🤘

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    Completely unrelated to my business, but completely related to my passion:

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    Home education (particularly planning and older kids/GCSEs) at https://www.instagram.com/learnwhatyoulive/

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    Personal, art & fitness content: https://www.instagram.com/notlhw.

    I made a community where you can share your Instagram with others as well: https://www.followchain.org—feel free to join us.

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    I'm not posting much, as haven't gone flying as much lately, but feel free to follow for soaring goodness :)


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      I don't use Instagram :) Maybe I should.

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    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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