Share your tech blog link and monthly traffic

Hi, I am looking for some cool tech blogs.

Please share your blog URL and monthly traffic if you are interested in winning £200

We are about to launch our new app soon. And we are looking for a blogger who could write an amazing blog post - potentially a PR


posted to Icon for group Bloggers
on June 1, 2022
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    Hi Amy

    By the way, if you want to spend £500, you can advertise on https://uktechnews.info for 2 weeks. On every page and on the header.

    It would have to be an advert and not a blog post.

    Unique Visitors: 30.73k
    Total Requests: 1.3M

    Over the last 30 days: data from Cloudflare as most web pages are served directly without touching Google Analytics. Please note that most of our readers are investors and tech founders.

    Another option is: Spend £300/year or £30/month and on-board a Volunteer team for user acquisition, brand building, social media, etc from https://skilledup.life

    Those are the best two offers from my end. Keep hustling. I like your hustle.

    Best regards

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      thanks, @manojRanaweera, I will share this information with my cofounder

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    My startup's blog. I'm also now experimenting with writing on LinkedIn as well - just posted my first article a few minutes ago!


    Seems as though the LinkedIn algo seriously prefers self hosted articles

  3. 1

    https://imakeitwork.net/blog - 2000 organic monthly views after 4 months.

  4. 1

    Impressions: ~19,000 in the past 90 days

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    15000-20000 organic pageviews per month. Started as DIY fixes but now trying to cover more topics.

  6. 1

    A blog by a CS engineer, Developer, Freelancer and Writer. - https://pankajtanwar.in/

    Traffic and my complete life is here on my open dashboard - https://www.pankajtanwar.in/open-dashboard

  7. 1

    Hi Guys i don't have a blog (not anymore i used to have one when i was younger but by lack of time i closed it). But during my time spent managing this blog i learned many things about blogs and article redaction so feel free to reach out if you need help with that !

  8. 1

    Here is blog of our content manager https://medium.com/@softwareobserver
    Traffic ~ 7 000 views per month. Btw, medium readers please subscribe)

  9. 1

    I started out this year and I talk about both tech and my experience building side projects.

    Blog: https://ariflogs.com/
    Traffic: 198 views last month :')

  10. 1

    Blog: https://userbooster.co/blog

    📊Traffic: 2300 impressions

    I started to share some content about how to launch your startup and get your first users about a month ago

  11. 1

    Https://startuptalky.com, probably the best in all parameters you will get here.

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      Do they cover startup stories? what is the procedure to get our PR on their website

  12. 0

    Hey check out Denture Capita ( https://www.denturecapital.io/ ), we share insights from venture-backed startups, Went live in Jan. It has been a really exciting journey so far.

  13. 2

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

    1. 1

      How long have you been doing this?

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