Shopify App approved FINALLY 🎊

I finally have a Shopify App: https://apps.shopify.com/joboodle

It has been a while I've been thinking about building side projects.
As I'm working as a software developer, many of our clients had shopify stores and I was building themes for them and some features requiring backend with external servers.

Then I decided that my first side project should be related to Shopify as I liked their platform and the marketplace they have for merchants.

I started building an app to display your job offers in your store (as shopify is not providing this feature), and I made it as simple as possible.
My main goal was to finish a project, because I've started on many ones but none of them was ever completed.

The app was built in a few weeks, and submitted to Shopify... Surprise, rejected.
The good thing is that they are giving feedback why it was rejected (unlike Themeforest)
3 more hard rejects and my submission was suspended for a couple of weeks.
I took some time and tried to debug it and fixed it, resubmitted again then I got a soft reject with an issue related to billing API (which was the most complicated thing in my process of building the app)

I fixed the billing issue, one day later I get the email that my app has been approved.

Now I can take more time to create a proper landing page to it.
Glad to share this news with you.

posted to Icon for group Shopify
on November 18, 2020
  1. 4

    Fantastic work!

    The Shopify app store used to be my stomping ground for the longest time. It's a great revenue stream without a lot of marketing. Shh... this is somewhat of a secret that nobody really talks about.

    A few thoughts from when I was more active there. Might be helpful for others reading this thread who's thinking about creating an app on there:

    • Support: Customers aren't as "techie" as the typical IndieHacker. As a result, there are a lot of questions that may seem silly. It just means you might need a more straightforward onboarding and more documentation. I noticed that by improving on both, I basically get very, very little questions.
    • Be specific in your app description: Okay, this is somewhat of an irritant. But you'll have merchants who install your app and then complain to you that your app doesn't do something they thought your app would do (in the way they think it should). Be prepared for some lengthy back and forth emails, or to jump on a call with them.
    • Focus on your product: There are a lot of customization requests from merchants that crosses over from your app. You can either take these jobs or not. I don't, personally (except for one merchant who I happen to enjoy working with). You need to decide whether to go ahead with their feature requests (which essentially amounts to a one-off customization in many cases). If you do all these feature requests, your product will become a mess.
    • Handling reviews: This is the one area I think Shopify could improve, but I don't think they will. It just doesn't seem to be high priority for them. You're going to get unfair reviews. Try to actively ask people to review your app as early as you can. Most merchants will not. Ask for a review in your app (using some modal), and then if they give a 5-star rating, then redirect them to the app store. If they give a low rating, show them a comment box and have it send that message to your inbox.
    • API changes: Okay, this is another not-so-easy thing to deal with. Shopify now changes their API every 3 months. So it's no more set-it-and-forget-it type of apps. You have to actively maintain it and be on top of everything, otherwise your merchants will get a bunch of warning messages. Unlike Stripe, Shopify's API changes will break your app sometimes.

    Good luck!

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot for the tips...
      I am indeed going to focus on this app only for a few months at least, I still have to ad more features (as the app is so simple at the moment) then I will try a few external marketing campaigns to get some installs hopefully.
      I will make sure to keep those points you mentioned in mind. thank you

  2. 1

    How is going your revenue journey? How much have you raised? I am building a shopify plugin but I don't know what to expect in terms of revenue

  3. 2

    The Shopify App approval process can be a long and arduous one, but I'm so glad I stuck with it. After months of hard work, I was overjoyed to receive the approval - it was a huge relief! I'm so happy I was able to get my app up and running, and I have Shopify https://apps.shopify.com/product-description-accordion to thank for that.

  4. 1

    We're buying shopify apps. Would love to connect if you are looking to sell. Feel free to send a message here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kapoorsimar/

  5. 1

    I think this looks great a quick fix that I would suggest is just using personalization a little more to increase your viewership! I personally use the website Twik to help with all things personalization!

  6. 1

    You need to follow the instructions of shopify to get the approval fast. Read here about shopify solution https://conversionskitchen.com/shopify-payment-solutions/

  7. 1

    Nice! But looks like the Example Store doesn't work? I don't see any job posting

    1. 1

      Thank you for the mention, I had an issue with the server, it's fixed now.

  8. 1


    I am in middle of developing my shopify application, and I could use your feedback!

    I am developing an app that will convert regular images into Facebook like 3D images. Customers visiting the Shopify store will be able to hoover over the image and have illusion of depth.

    I don't have great experience in Shopify ecosystem. Would love to get feedback. Will this be something merchant be interested in having?


    1. 2

      Thank you.
      I'm actually not the best one who can answer to your question, because the main goal for me was to have at least one finished side project, I didn't make an in-depth search about the market...
      However, you can learn a lot from your first app, don't make high expectations from it and try to learn as much as possible to improve it or to have a second app better than the first.

    2. 1

      Nice! I'm working on learning how to make Shopify apps! I hope to get my first app created and made soon

  9. 1

    Hi there! I'm looking to hire someone to build me a marketplace app like marketcube.io. Just wondering, how long did it take for you to build it and how long would it take to build something like marketcube.io or a marketplace app? Any advice would be helpful. Thank you!

  10. 1

    Great job!! And yes, projects need to get finished. That's what differs 95% from the rest ;)
    I'm not a shopify user, so have no experience with. I just don't get the connection between shopify and your job app. Why on shopify? Didn't know shopify can be used as platform like craigslist.com. ... or am I wrong?

    1. 1

      Thank you.
      the reason I built this app (besides having at least one completed side project) is that many of our shopify clients need to post job offers on their stores, and as it is really hard to do it with static pages with shopify, they get their customers redirected to external services like angel.co...

      it's true that there are some big apps such as personio that provide the same service and you can embed the jobs wherever you want (no matter what platform you are using for your website) but this requires a new login to a new platform...so I thought that it'd be good to combine everything in one platform (shopify) where you can manage your products/orders and your job offers.

      1. 1

        Ah, now I got you. Brilliant move!!

  11. 1

    Congrats. How long did it take to build and get approved?

    1. 1

      Thanks, it doesn't actually take long.
      I usually get feedback 1-2 business days after submission

  12. 1

    Awesome! I've looked into building a Shopify app a few times but never actually got through it. It seemed like the docs would always tell you hard to get started, connect to a store, handle UI in the dashboard portion, and maybe integrate billing, but never how to actually interact with the page or products, or inject HTML/js for say a popup plugin, like I'd need to do. So I just gave up. Maybe I'll take another stab at it and see if I can figure it out this time!

    Your job board idea is really nice definitely haven't seen another one of those in app store before!

    1. 1

      FYI they now have a "build your own demo app" with React tutorial which might connect some dots for you (I personally don't know React, so it was like reading Greek for me).

      1. 2

        Oh that's awesome, I was looking to build it in Node and React so I'm taking a look now, thanks!

        1. 1

          After you do that, check out the shopify-cli as well: https://shopify.github.io/shopify-app-cli/. They have both node and rails versions and it's meant to quickly help you create an app and give you all the scaffolding, and also quickly deploy local changes.

          A word of caution though, for my second app I used the rails version of shopify-cli and my app got rejected for a cookies-related infinite loop issue that I simply could not reproduce. This put me off of using Shopify-provided libraries / packages where I don't understand what's happening under the hood. I had already rolled my own OAuth + Billing API modules so I had to migrate all my code out of the app file that Shopify CLI created for me, at which point I got my app approved. But you might have better luck with the Node version.

    2. 1

      Thank you for the reply.
      injecting content in the page is actually easier than handling billing (in my point of view)

  13. 1

    I was also looking to create an app for shopify,
    Thanks for sharing your experience, good luck!

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot, good luck with your future app too

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