[Show] My very first SaaS using Vue/Nuxt!

Ending this crummy year with a highlight from my Vue/Nuxt learning journey - my very first SaaS (software-as-a-service)! Just wanted to show the group and share my excitement.

Lifelog is a platform to write everyday towards your goals. Having wrote daily for 2 years straight, I’m a big believer in the power of writing to think, plan, imagine and realising your goals. Those who are revving up for a change in 2021 with ambitious goals, start here:


I spent 3 months on this... coding the functionality bit by bit, realising it can actually work, and then design-developing the writing UI from zero. I’d not worked this hard on a software product before, but pleased with how much fun I had learning Vue.js/Nuxt.js (and some Node.js too) as I go, and how it turned out in the end.

The best part, I’m making a tool for myself as I continue my daily words after this break. It’s kinda freeing to know that, even if no one else uses this tool, it’ll still be useful to one user (ie me!). But of course, I’m banking on the fact that there’s more folks like me out there who enjoying writing, thinking and achieving. 😎

My tech stack is Nuxt.js/Vue.js + Bulma on frontend, and a headless CMS/API builder called Strapi (based on Node.js) on backend, all hosted on Heroku.

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    Hey man this looks amazing, I love the idea!

    Questions. Why did you decide not to offer a free plan (if only for some days/weeks)?
    How can people know whether they like using the product without having the chance of testing it?

    Good luck!

    1. 2

      Hey @FutureFounder thanks! I guess it was following from my experience in the previous platform where I wrote daily. It had a free plan and there was just a lot of noise and spammers. I also wanted the Lifelog community to be of a higher quality, more committed to the daily writing and their goals (because, that's the crowd I really want to be around as I use it myself). I think having to pay $10 as a 1 month trial helps filter in the serious folks.

      1. 1

        makes sense, thanks for the reply!

  2. 1

    Nice to see Bulma getting some love! It's a great framework if you want to roll your own JS experience.

    Did you considered using Buefy or an "enhanced" Bulma framework while you were building this?

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