Slack Emoji 2.0

Hey guys,

A while ago I made a directory of slack emojis as a side project, today I pushed out a completely redesigned website that also includes the ability to submit your own emojis for other people to use!

You can check it out at: https://slackemoji.com/

Let me know what you think

posted to Icon for group Slack
on September 30, 2020
  1. 2
    • it really does need a search, since you're showing them one-by-one, like one of those icon finder sites. also a way to load "bundles" (sets)
    • whats in it for the creators? did you make all these or is it crowdsourced? some link back to the authors site would be good.

    what's the status with the slack API for loading in emoji? I recall it was kind of half-done last time i looked, is it well supported now?

    1. 1

      There is already a search bar, it's directly below the menu when you first visit the website.

      Adding some way for contributors to link their website is a good idea, I'll look into adding it soon!

      Unfortunately, slack made many of it's API endpoints for enterprise workspaces only. Although I would love to, this makes it difficult to make integrations that work properly in all workspaces.

      1. 1

        huh, i wonder why they would impede developers like that? seems like another nail in the coffin really. sandwiched between discord and teams, slack needs to do something exciting...

  2. 2

    Cool resource @dtm

    As I was browsing through the directory, i kept thinking.. "how do i use the emojis in my slack workspace, I can download it to my desktop..but what do i do after that"

    I did download an emoji into my workspace a few years ago but I have forgotten it and I think a quick link or guide on how to get it installed into your workspace will reduce some of the friction

    Just my 2 cents :)

    1. 1


      Thanks for the feedback! I didn't think of that, I'll make a small guide on how to upload them to your workspace shortly.

  3. 1

    Great project how is your traffic and users count? I am creator of slacknotify app will you be open to collaborating so we can grow together?

  4. 1

    nice site! i think there's similar things for discord, the community there around add-ons seems to be much more vibrant for some reason.

    1. 1

      Yeah, I've made things for Discord too (community list / bot list) and wanted to take a shot at making cool things for Slack

  5. 1

    Page is pretty straightforward, I can see that the main player is Slackmojis and most of their traffic is from search & direct. Do you plan on doing SEO right from the get go?

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