Social media profiles, combine or no?

Hi there!

I have a twitter account already that I post about coding and indie hacker stuff. But my current project is targeting Kick creators.

It feels weird to mix the 2 groups together. What I'm posting for one, won't really be relevant to the other. (maybe?)

Should I use the same twitter account to interact with the Kick creators or make a "brand" twitter account?

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    Mixing different content on the same Twitter account can be a bit tricky, as you mentioned, since your audience may have different interests. One option is to use your current Twitter account for coding and indie hacker content and create a separate "brand" Twitter account dedicated to engaging with Kick creators. This way, you can keep the content relevant to each audience and maintain a cohesive online presence. Don't forget to cross-promote the new account on your existing social media profiles, including Facebook and Instagram, to attract your target audience. Crafting a tailored caption for each post will help convey your message effectively, and using quotes from notable Kick creators can add authenticity and insight to your content.

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    I was in a similar position. I chose to combine content for my SaaS with my personal account because I had some traction already from building in public and blogging. In the end it worked, but the content for the SaaS had to dominate the account in order to gain traction.

    Every successful social media account has a niche. You can't split it across multiple genres. I will say, I think the account being a personal one and not a brand account helped a ton. People are usually on social media to connect with other people, not brands.

    If I had to do it again, I think I'd create a separate account that isn't a brand account, but rather "my account dedicated to X". For example, my SaaS is in SEO, so I would create a personal account where I just talk about SEO. Eventually, I plan to transition to that set up.

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      Nice, thanks for sharing. I really like the thinking about it as "my account dedicated to X" rather than a "brand account". I'll try that route and see how it goes. :)

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