[Solved] Is there a cheap email inbox?

I don't mean email service for sending emails. I mean an inbox that would point to my domain. Say "[email protected]", considering I own example.com.

I would use it through Gmail anyway by forwarding and IMAP/POP all emails.

Would you recommend anything?

PS. OVH used to have that in their offer - one-time payment for a few addresses but it's no longer available.

Maybe I wasn't very precise here but forwarding emails to Gmail is the thing I needed. I own the domain but I don't have any email service that handles mailing.

It's quite easy to set up with improvmx.com. I'd recommend that. Thanks everyone! 🙏

posted to
on December 21, 2020
  1. 3

    Zoho has a "Forever Free" Plan at the moment. The plan is upto 5 users, 5GB/ user and 25MB attachment limit.

    1. 1

      Nice! I wonder what that means:

      *IMAP/ POP/ Active Sync are not included in the free plan.

      So it is not possible to redirect all emails to Gmail inbox? 🤔

      1. 2

        You might want to contact Zoho and ask whether they allow email forwarding in the free plan.

      2. 1

        I have previously used Zoho and forwarded all those emails to Gmail.

      3. 1

        I use zoho for my domain emails and haven't had any problems I forward them all to my Gmail on the free plan.

        1. 1

          Maybe that changed 🤷‍♂️ Now when I try to enable POP3 access for [email protected] with ZOHO I get an error saying: "You are not allowed to access this option. Access permitted for paid user(s) only."

          I found something in their help:

          For newly signed up users (Free plan), POP Access feature will not be available. Refer here for more details.

          I guess "newly signed" indicates that that changed somewhere in the past.

          1. 1

            Sorry, I misunderstood. I meant using email forwarding to an existing gmail account, not POP.

            1. 1

              No worries! Thanks anyway 🙌

  2. 2

    Check out ImprovMX, lots of people here including myself use it for all our indie stuff

    1. 2

      That works perfectly! Thanks @ashconnell

  3. 2

    I use https://www.migadu.com/ . The yearly plan is quite cheap.

    1. 1

      Starts from $19/year. There is a lot of text on that page. I'll have to go through this. Thanks @start123!

  4. 2

    Be careful of very cheap ones as sometimes they come with a tradeoff. I use fastmail.com which is still cheap but they have a long story of being a reliable provider which also cares for your privacy. Also you can search online for some coupons or affiliates to get some discount on their plans

    1. 2

      $30/year. Not bad. Thanks for recommending @ajimix 🙌

  5. 2

    Namecheap's Private Email offers cheap, true mailboxes with adequate features.

    1. 1

      Good deal. Only $10.69/year. Thanks Paolo!

    2. 1

      Also there and, while being a little slowish, it's ok. Would recommend to turn of their spam filter, as it tends to eat important emails, which is only possible through their chat 🙄

      1. 1

        Good to know, thanks.

        1. 1

          They also support DKIM - to be activated through their chat as well 🙄 but it worked well

          1. 1

            Yeah, DKIM. I've been struggling to properly configure DKIM/DMARC for my newsletter for months, despite Namecheap's help. I'm waiting for more help from my ESP, Revue.

            1. 1

              Mh they gave me the key in the chat, which I entered into my DNS (cloudflare) which worked.

  6. 1

    This is so useful! was setup in 5mins tops! too-easy!

  7. 1

    you can do it for free with google domains, if you forward the emails destined to [email protected] to your current gmail. I did it a while back - don't remember exactly how, I'm sure you can find it on google - but the end result is that you can receive emails to your current gmail box, and send emails from your current gmail - only that you can choose the From field to be from [email protected]

  8. 1

    If you’re sending cold email, you’ll prob get best deliverability with Gmail/Outlook, so that’s something you’d like to consider as well.

  9. 1

    I want switch to protonmail.com for that exact reason.
    It's like Gsuite but without Google ;)

    You even have a VPN with the first tier.

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