Someone plagiarized my product and got #3 on Product Hunt

I built this popular browser extension "ChatGPT for Google" that got over 200k users under one month.
I recently find someone plagiarized my product, he basically downloaded the extension code, changed few lines of code and the name, re-upload it to Chrome Web Store. Then he published it to Product Hunt, even get #3 that day.
What can I do?

My product:
I've also published to Product Hunt:

The theft: (do not give it upvote)

  1. 1

    Consider this for next time?

    From stack overflow, I can't post links yet..

    The only way to prevent anyone with your extension from seeing the logic is to move it out of the extension that runs on a user computer and into a web service that the extension accesses.

    Since this will slow down the works quite a bit, you should only do this for the really valuable parts of your code.

  2. 1

    So cheap Chinese knockoff again?

  3. 1

    that's sad but unfortunately, you can't do anything about it. you can make your product more valuable by pivoting or adding more features

  4. 1

    not sure you can do anything. just keep working on your product!

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