Stripe is withholding $3.5M from Canadian Trucker Freedom Protesters

submitted this link to Icon for group News
on February 16, 2022
  1. 3

    Related to this, Christian crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo as stepped up to resolve this situation (https://www.givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022)

    You will see more and more Christian built platforms upholding your freedoms in the coming few years.

    1. 1

      nice, but fiat money has surveilance embedded in it. The only way forward is really Bitcoin, which no one can censor

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        This comment was deleted a year ago.

    2. 1

      Yeah the church will save us! Trying to stay relevant any way they can these days, propping up the right wing maniacs. What a shock 😂 All they need now is more guns…

      1. 1

        Not bible thumping. I'm just stating facts, they are building things for the good of man:

        Social -> Gab.com
        Video -> Veems.com
        Crowdfunding -> GiveSendGo.com

        A parallel economy is rising up

  2. 2

    Lose a lot of respect for Stripe....

  3. -1

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      Umm okay, I'm trying to answer as apolitically as possible.

      Do you really not see any issue with precedence here?

      1. 2

        You cannot reason with members of a cult using logic.

        1. 1

          The irony of this comment is fantastic. 💯

        1. 2

          So... I take it from your participation in this thread, you're against right-wing conservatives (broadly speaking, if I'm incorrect, then just treat my assumption hypothetically).

          What happens when the political landscape changes (it always does), and your strongest beliefs are now considered repulsive by the majority?

          Are you happy to be kicked off of platforms, have bank accounts frozen, get "cancelled" because of the way of life you've chosen?

          1. 1

            I’m not interested in arguing with you about this. It’s pointless. Put on your tin foil hat and move along champ.

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