Stripe just launched Stripe Checkout - hosted page you don't have to build yourself

  1. 6

    What am I missing? Sure they've upgraded it but Stripe has always had hosted Checkout?

  2. 2

    Maybe you wanted to refer to the Customer Portal instead?

    This was new: https://stripe.com/docs/billing/subscriptions/customer-portal

  3. 2

    I've used Stripe Checkout for years now. However, it goes from easy to more difficult when you want to have in your system if the user paid or not. That means implementing Stripe webhooks.

    1. 1

      yes exactly the thing i struggle with

      1. 1

        What's the problem? I implemented it in my project without troubles, maybe I can help?

  4. 2

    It's been around since at least 2014 😋 Started as an embedded popup on your own page and then they moved to a separate page on their servers a while back https://web.archive.org/web/20140307113504/https://stripe.com/checkout

    I've gotten a lot of great use out of it.

  5. 2

    They've always had it?

  6. 1

    @joshdance please checkout my post, i am not getting any response from stripe support.

  7. 1

    Had fun integrating this!

  8. 1

    This is not new, they just added some features, been using for a long time.

  9. 1

    It's a great update, though I've been trying to add a coupon code input to my checkout and it's felt like an impossible task.

    "allow_promotion_codes": true doesn't work on the redirectToCheckout method, and it's all a little above my pay grade. Feels like it should be a simple enough task though.

    Side note: That landing page is so slick!

  10. 1

    Do they support quantities yet?

  11. 1

    This feels like it could be a bonafide Shopify competitor if it was a smidge easier on the dev side. I'm sure there's a good reason for it, but it's too bad they can't offer something like Paypal used to where you can just drop in some HTML / Javascript and be up and running with buy buttons. Spinning up a Rails or Node app and deploying is not so simple. With the mass success of static site generators, I would love to see something that worked with Javascript.

    Maybe that does exist and I'm just missing it? Totally love Stripe and I'm sure if what I described above was possible they'd be doing it.

    1. 1

      They have what you're describing. On my company site the checkout is done with Stripe Checkout. Just had to drop in their javascript snippet and it adds a button linked to a product on your Stripe account. No real technical knowledge required. (Here's my pricing page with Stripe buttons, if you're interested).

      1. 1

        Thank you!! Knew it was too obvious not to be available.

  12. 3

    This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

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