Stupid fast color palettes with Huey

Hello 'Windsmiths!

I spent a few weeks tinkering with a nifty little color palette generator that's TAILor-made for our favorite utility-first framework. Have at it!


PS. Sometimes the color names are a little…misdirected. I'm working on it! 😬

posted to
on December 12, 2020
  1. 2

    Cool man, very cool. I was interested in something like this for various backgrounds - editor, terminal, etc.

    BTW what is anchor? what does it do? Is it the base hue? If so, can you add a color picker instead of having to enter the code by hand?


    1. 1

      "Anchor" just means starting (or brand) color. I should probably rename that!

      I went back and forth on using the color picker vs. hex, but more and more seem to want the color input instead!

      Let me know if there's anything else I can add that would make it more practical for IDE/terminal schemes :)

      1. 2

        Excellent! I have already started using it.

  2. 2

    Love the Resource Zak.

  3. 1

    Really cool idea! Thanks for sharing this.

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