Submit your product and/or startup based in Denmark

I'll start!


I know there are more Danes in here. Would be awesome to get them listed somewhere to increase our network and general reach, and back each other up.

This group could also be helpful in terms of discussing Danish rules/laws in the future.

posted to
on July 12, 2020
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    Hej @ffMathy how is Dogger.io going? From the looks of the website it seems like a fully fledged product? Very cool!

    I have just started (like yesterday) working on my first project - FormWatch. The plan is to build in the open and hopefully learn a lot in the progress.

    This group seems like a good idea. It would be nice with a place to share ideas and challenges related to IH projects.

    1. 1

      Hi Bjørn! Nice of you to come by here.

      dogger.io is not going very well. In fact, yesterday, my only customer (after upgrading his plans twice), decided to unsubscribe, since they grew out of it.

      I didn't do much selling on it, and I find marketing/selling quite boring, so I am kind of stuck on it. However, I am slowly starting a new project that I believe can skip the marketing/selling part entirely and market itself, while benefiting the greater good for open source developers.

      I'll add that product in here too.

      It doesn't mean dogger.io is dead, and I am regularly updating it. There are more than 150 free users on it.

      By the way, let's connect on LinkedIn.

      Edit: Just checked out FormWatch! Seems very like a good idea! What will your pricing structure look like?

      1. 1

        Too bad about the paying customers. Still with 150 users using dogger.io it must be providing value, right? But I guess converting those users into paid customers isn't exactly easy.

        Uh a product where there's no need to market it? Is that because it'll be marketing itself in some manner? I am intrigued 😀

        I am currently trying to narrow down my ideal customer for FormWatch by doing research on existing solutions. Once I settle for a target market, I think that the pricing structure because easier. At least that's my hope.

        Would be cool to hear more about your experiences so far as an IH. Can I shoot you an email?

        1. 1

          Yes indeed, and the customer also said it was providing big value - they just grew out of it.

          At some point, I should probably increase the barrier a bit, and make the free users pay at least a little amount.

          Exciting stuff! Yeah let's keep up to date. I've sent my e-mail to you on LinkedIn now!

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