Subscriptions are coming to Shopify, what will you build?

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on October 18, 2020
  1. 4

    Oh wow. This is massive news IMO and a huge win for Shopify.

    Excited to see what this new API gets used for. Hoping it's not just Amazon-like, where you can subscribe to monthly shampoo or battery deliveries...

  2. 2

    How is different from subscription we paying every month for apps installed from Shopify marketplace?

    1. 1

      It's more like extension that allow shopify merchants to sell physical goods on subscription basis. For example: coffee that will be delivered to you every week. But I think they will have support of digital subscriptions too

  3. 1

    really looking forward to digging in this.

  4. 1

    I think the likes of Carthook will leverage best offering post purchase upsell to subscriptions through the native checkout.

  5. 1

    Does this compete directly with Recharge then?

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