Substack now has custom domains 🎉

submitted this link to Icon for group Substack Newsletters
Substack Newsletters
on October 21, 2020
  1. 5

    One off $50 fee? Are they still charging on subscription payments?

    Gravy train 😂

    1. 2

      Looks like just one off payment but apparently you can change domain as many times as you want for same publication.

  2. 2

    Great news. But this may spend the end for a couple of businesses that specialized in offering custom domains for substack, one is named Hiye I believe

  3. 1

    i have a question concerning the pricing page of substack. I'd like to push people straight from my website to the pricing page of substack with the monthly/yearly/free tier. The problem is that you only see this after putting in your email address when not subscribed. Any developer skills to go straight to it? or is the emailaddress linked to it?

  4. 1

    It’s pretty expensive (especially when it’s free on Revue) but in the long run it’s probably going to be better for SEO and if you have a premium options then I guess it presents a more premium impression.

  5. 1

    I actually bought my domain name https://www.stealmyidea.io/ before even knowing what substack was. I knew I wanted to start a newsletter and was (stupidly) going to try to build it from scratch using a Wix or square space template and pair it with mail chimp. So glad I didn’t go through the pain of that. I launched my newsletter in December so I think I was one of the early adopters of substacks custom domains. It still said beta version. It’s worked great so far and was indeed only 50 bucks (1x fee). I probably wouldn’t have used substack if I couldn’t use a custom domain name.

  6. 1

    Custom Domain
    Custom URL

    And custom image

    Who needs a website

  7. 1

    I wonder if this was a result from convert kit letting you post newletter articles on your landing page???

  8. 1

    Finally! 👏 @rosiesherry is this going to make you stay with Substack for your newsletter or still moving it?

    1. 1

      @rosiesherry I'm curious if you stuck with Substack or moved one to something else...? (I'm looking for a new home!)

      1. 1

        I moved off!

        I ended up custom building to align more with the vision I have for rosie.land.

        1. 1

          Interesting. You went ConvertKit + custom? What's CovertKit giving you besides the landing page?

          (And thanks for responding!)

  9. 2

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