Supademo: Koushik Hits $1K MRR in 6 Months with 60 Paying Customers

  1. 8

    Wow. Authentic story and it's no small feat to hit the $1K MRR in 6 months. Congratulations!!

    By the way what made the founder pick PlanetScale MySQL database? Never heard of it but the Free plan looks too generous with 1 billion reads for free.

    1. 2

      Thank you for your kind words, @upenv

      PlanetScale was recommended in one of the Vercel blogs. Researched more and found out it's from a great team. So went with that for Supademo, so far, soo good!

      1. 1

        Nice to hear that. I am more into using Supabase and Firebase but yes PlanetScale seems too good. Will check it out.

        1. 1

          Firebase is an awesome alternative as well. Have always used it in my side projects (can't beat the free tier, simplicity) but PlanetScale is awesome as well!

  2. 4

    Great story and this is a good example of a good founder-market fit. Makes me feel excited about my own product journey 😛

    1. 1

      Thank you for the kind words, @mrbrightside42. All the best for your product. Love to give it a try.

    2. 1

      What product are you building??

      1. 1

        I'm currently working on a few different things, in the validation stage and plan to see what sticks.

        Focusing on tools for web designers/developers and agencies - I run a design and development firm and we're trying to tackle some of our own pain points.

        1. 1

          Nice. We have a few agencies using Flezr.com for their end customers to build data based websites.

          1. 1

            Just signed up for early access! Would love to try it.

    1. 1

      Thankyou!! We love publishing these stories.

  3. 4

    @Wyeem Thanks for sharing our story. 🙌

    1. 3

      We love to share these awesome stories!!

  4. 2

    This is great stuff! Much needed :)

  5. 2

    Wow, congratulations on hitting $1K MRR in just 6 months with 60 paying customers! Your story is truly inspiring and shows that with hard work and dedication, success is possible. I would love to hear more about your journey and the strategies you used to achieve this impressive milestone.

  6. 2

    Congratulations! Product is looking great.

  7. 2

    That's a great story.

  8. 2

    Planning to use Supademo in my project. Thanks for building this amazing product!

    1. 1

      That's really awesome @vb1993. Thank you for giving Supademo a try. Let me know if you need any help in onboarding.

  9. 2

    Congrats on your success! Glad to hear stories like this one from true hustlers. :)

    1. 1

      Thank you so much for your kind words @CartFox.

    2. 1

      So true. It's motivating for IHers.

  10. 2

    nice work! can you share your any lessons you learned from building and launching publically?

  11. 2

    Awesome to hear that. Such stories are very helpful for people like me who lost motivation. Cheers to you and your team.

    1. 1

      Let's get back some motivation.

  12. 2

    This is awesome to hear. Goodjob, im planning on doing something similar with my productised service business!

    1. 1

      Nice. Give us the link. What niche is it in?

      1. 3

        Hey, currently making some finishing touches on the copy, but here is the link: https://www.producthunt.com/products/rithmm

  13. 2

    Honestly just a beast of an application. I love the idea, the simplicity. Congratulations to you and your team!

    1. 1

      Thank you for your kind words and support! @Jasper1900 😊

      I'm glad to hear that you appreciate the idea and simplicity of Supademo.

    2. 1

      Same here. I loved the application.

  14. 2

    Thanks for sharing our story :-)

    1. 1

      Love reading these stories!!

  15. 1

    Congratulations! Product is looking great. 🔥

  16. 1

    Thank you for sharing this detailed information, along with the tools you're using and your recommendations.

  17. 1

    We appreciate the hard work you've been putting into creating high quality, easy to understand content for new users. We know that this is important, and we're constantly trying to find ways to improve our content. We also appreciate your interest in developing our ebook and app products.

  18. 1

    @koushikmarka Why Digital Ocean hosting over Vercel for a NextJS app? (I know this is a weirdly specific question, but I've been deliberating over a similar decision lately.)

    1. 1

      Hey @ryanjd,

      1. I had DigitalOcean credits 😎
      2. I like the option of more control and configuration of the server.

      What are you building? I love to check it out.

      1. 1

        Thanks for the response.

        Currently working on www.driftfeed.com - a platform for people to share travel guides / itineraries. It's still a WIP, but early feedback is welcome.

  19. 1

    This is awesome to hear. Goodjob, im planning on doing something similar with my productised service business! usedacbuyersdubai.com and usedofficefurniture-buyer.com

  20. 1

    Awesome to hear that. Such stories are very helpful for people like me who lost motivation. Cheers to you and your team.

  21. 1

    I'm wondering for startups, does the payments go to your personal bank account?

  22. 1

    Hey, are you interested in selling the MVP or getting into a joint venture with me?

  23. 2

    This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

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