Teeny-tiny hacks to get better responses using ChatGPT - Add yours!

I want to share with you some tips that I use when writing prompts in ChatGPT to get better results. These tips are especially helpful when you're working on your communication or content strategy, or when you need to generate content.

These tips are suitable for both non-marketing individuals and those with more knowledge in the field.

  1. Provide as much context as possible. Who is the audience, what do you offer, and where will you be publishing the content?

  2. Don't settle for the first answer. Reframe the question, ask them to focus more on a specific point, or debate different points of view.

  3. Be specific about the length and type of content you want. Do you need some ideas on marketing phrases to use in a title, a few phrases for an Instagram post, or a flyer with a title, subtitle, image + description?

  4. Ask for more versions. I usually ask for 3 versions if they're longer paragraphs, and 10 versions if I'm looking for phrases. It also works to ask for Title and Subtitle if you want to convey different ideas. When I'm not convinced, I ask for more.

  5. Go back and forth between different types of content to get more information and variations. For example, you can ask for phrases, then ask them to develop a blog post, and then summarize it in a TikTok video.

  6. When you need to ask for content in a different language you might have to adjust the tone to get something thats works. For example, in my experience, when you ask for specific content in Spanish, the answer is in neutral spanish and somewhat formal language in my opinion... what I do is ask for it in different tones, such as optimistic, helpful, cheerful, etc.

2 key points to keep in mind:

  • You always need the human touch. This can work as a starting point to generate ideas and learn, or once you have something more formulated, it can correct it, generate new versions, lengthen or summarize it.
    Either way, it's useful, but don't think it will do all the work for you.

  • As the name suggests, ChatGPT is a conversation. You're not going to receive a concrete answer all at once. So, for best results, you have to build on your questions. Go from genreal EX: "what topics might interest this type of audience" to more specific "storyboard for tik tok video on this subject"

If you want to read a bit more about actual prompts I used and how i was able to do user research and workout the value proposition on my new project, you can do so here: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/how-i-use-chatgpt-for-starting-a-new-business-b0e81c7a9e

What tips would you add?

  1. 2

    Very useful summary. Thanks for share your tips and tricks!

    1. 1

      Welcome! Do you have any tricks you use?

  2. 1

    Thank you for sharing @marin_vino
    I also attempted to conduct a competitor analysis with ChatGPT. If it interests you, you can access it here > https://resources.usemagnetiq.com/how-to-make-a-competitor-analysis-simply-with-chat-gpt/

    1. 1

      I saved it! Thanks!!

    2. 1

      Interesting! Yes, I will check it out.

      Thanks for sharing.

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