Tell us about your Slack app!

I'd love to hear what everyone is working on for Slack :)

posted to Icon for group Slack
on October 8, 2020
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    We're building Droyd, which lets you follow key business metrics in Slack. We do it by connecting to any apps (currently the CRM, but integrating more as we go).

    We've seen this built custom by some teams but no clean solution to automate the process. During interviews, users told us "nobody looks at dashboards". Teams aren't aligned on goals an the state of key metrics, lack transparency.

    Getting KPIs in Slack is a simple way to fix it and engage the team / celebrate milestones.

    We'll be submitting the app to Slack very soon.

    Would love your feedback!

  2. 1

    Hey @tomquirk, just got Short Break From Work (https://shortbreakfromwork.com) approved by the Slack Team. :)

    Real users describe your app better than yourself, so I will give you this quote:
    "Short Break From Work reminds me to take an active break every now and then, which gets my energy levels up and my body moving."

    It supports "single player mode" (helping you keep yourself healthy) out of the box.
    I am currently building out the "multiplayer feature set" (helping each other keeping each other healthy)

    It would be great to get your feedback on it!

  3. 1

    So, I've been integrating my self-hosted Q&A platform with Slack but the thing is they don't allow self-hosted apps to enter the app directory. My clients have to manually create their own apps and configure them step-by-step to make the integration work. Is anybody else in the same situation?

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      Hmm. Is there any particular reason it needs to be self-hosted? I'm guessing it's part of your value proposition.

      I really wish Slack exposed API's for creating/configuring apps. Imagine if you could define your Slack app in a config file, for example. One can dream!

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        Absolutely love the intro video in the chat widget on your website. What service is that? Ignore!

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          Video in the chat widget? I've never seen one. We use Drift chat.

          Yes, the self-hosted model is part of the value proposition. It would be nice to have the option to programmatically create and configure apps. This would save our clients 10 manual steps which they need to perform.

          1. 2

            Ah, my apologies, wrong thread! 😂.

            Yeah, I think it would be so awesome if Slack did something to support self-hosted. I guess its a super promising sign that people are using your product, given the friction!!

  4. 1

    Hey @tomquirk, we're building guineapig.app. It's a Slack app that helps your team promote healthy habits with workplace wellness programs.

    Allybot.io looks very interesting. Really cool to see @Mirv building inkrement.io and @maxim_leonovich building https://onebar.io and https://thetodobot.com as well!

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      :O I love the idea of guineapig.app! My partner is a dietitian and would be so happy to see products like this exist.

      If you don't mind me asking, how has your growth been? $8/u/month seems like it would be in the upper-end of Slack app pricing.

      1. 1

        Thanks, so happy to hear it!
        We're very green in this space but we just got our first Yes to pay from a company yesterday, which was awesome! You're absolutely right that $8-10/user/month is on the higher end, but we're trying to find customers who really have a strong need, and then build what's required to justify a higher price. We'll see how it works out!

        1. 2

          Awesome, truly wish you best of luck!

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            Thanks! :) Same to you!

  5. 1

    hey @tomquirk, we are building inkrement.io and just submitted to the app store so we should hear soon if we tripped up any of the common rejection reasons you blogged about :)

    Allybot.io looks good . Congrats on getting some early traction

    1. 2

      Love the look of inkrement.io! Wishing you luck for your review. I think they're a bit busy at the moment - I submitted an update to AllyBot.io and it took a bit over a week. But it just got accepted this morning :D.

      I'm curious about what your planning re: distribution/marketing for inkrement.io!

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        Thanks! Yeah, when we submitted they warned an ETA of 2 weeks. Not sure if that was just standard response or if it truly was due to a huge volume.

        For distribution, our primary 3 traction channels at the moment are

        1. Slack app directory (milestone will be to get featured on the store)
        2. SEO (inkrement.io/blog)
        3. Product Hunt Launch and, after that, good, plain ol' cold outreach.
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          btw, maybe you already have these words covered in your bot, but here is another one:

          blacklist/whitelist replaced by denylist/allowlist and blocklist/passlist.

          1. 1

            Yep, I think getting featured on the store would be an awesome accomplishment.

            And thanks for the blacklist/whitelist idea! AllyBot is covering it already, fortunately :)

            1. 1

              lol no worries. Hey Tom, I just noticed that indie hacker tweeted about you. How did that happen ? Curious how to get infront of the indie hacker audience

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                Nothing special on my end - I think I commented on an old post about Slack apps and @/rosie picked it up 🤷‍♂️

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      Wow, both these looks awesome! How's your progress been in terms of users? I'm working on AllyBot.io. Hopefully going to see my first revenue soon, and I've just got some pretty big "public" Slack communities on board - Slack apps are an interesting journey :)

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        I'd say I have mixed feelings about the Slack ecosystem. On one hand, we do get a lot of signups and usage. We have over 5000 teams on ToDoBot, a lot of todos, etc. On the other hand, people generally consider apps as small add-on which should be either very cheap or entirely free. Some of them don't even realize that Slack apps are made by third-party developers. They think it's part of the Slack package and it's already included in the subscription. So, money-wise, we don't make all that much off of Slack :)

        1. 1

          That's really interesting insight, thanks for sharing. As someone fairly new to the space, I am certainly seeing glimpses of that...

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