The best writers all have created a personal MOAT 💅

Their best tips?

  1. Be consistent
  2. Post timely
  3. Be known for a particular niche
  4. Optimize your Distribution
  5. Master your headlines
  6. Be your true self
  7. Find the right format
  8. Be transparent

1 - Be consistent.

You shorten the feedback cycle and accelerate your learning by increasing the cadence.

A consistent schedule also allows readers and listeners to develop a habit around your content.

2 - Post timely.

Pieces need to be timely if you want to get external traction.

Talk about this startup that recently raised or the launch of this token, and add value by bringing your expertise or opinion.

Be careful to share learnings that can be re-used later.

3 - Have your niche.

A niche audience is one of the most precious things for writers.

They can then launch almost anything with a targeted audience - as long as it's worthwhile for their audience.

Packy McCormick completely understood this.

4 - Optimize your Distribution.

Distribution is crucial.

Posting everywhere you can increase your chance of reaching your audience.

Think Reddit, Hacker News, Indie Hackers, Medium, etc.

You can also directly reach out to relevant people with cold e-mails.

5 - Master your headlines.

Re-write your hook over and over again.

A great headline is what will make readers click.

Mario Gabriele accumulated thousands of new subscribers with a single tweet and a great hook.

6 - Be your true self.

Readers want emotional connections, things they can relate to.

Emotional connections are what will make them engage with your content.

Look at the example below. The author shares his doubts, his failure and makes it deeply personal.

7 - Find the right format.

Maybe you're good at writing how-to guides. Maybe you're good at sharing the origin stories of companies.

Finding something that you genuinely like to write about will make your journey much easier.

8 - Be transparent.

Transparency is what will make the readership come along for the ride.

They'll feel like they are supporting you and will be more engaged, even with sponsored content.

If you liked this post, make sure to follow @CDTEliot on Twitter as I continue to document my journey

Thanks for being here 🔥

posted to
on April 12, 2022
  1. 1

    So, the moat (=competitive economic advantage) is discipline?

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