The cost of creating content is gradually being reduced to 0

First it was GPT-3 and text generation.

Now it's DALL-E where you can type the image you want and boom..you got it.

What do you think are the implications of this? Will we see a machine-generated metaverse? Will SaaS software made by smart IHers eventually replace social media managers?

  1. 11

    I'm afraid we will be inundated with low-quality content. AI, as of now, cannot generate new thoughts. It can only regurgitate what is input into the algorithm.

    1. 3

      +1 to this. And tools to curate the tsunami of content will become increasingly important.

      1. 3

        At least we need a tool to detect if a piece of content was generated by AI. Is there already something like this? If not then I'd try to create such a detector.

      2. 1

        Investing in curation tech seems like a smart move today!

    2. 1

      This comment was deleted a month ago.

      1. 2

        Of course it can. A lot of human creativity is combining old things in new ways. AI and procedural generation do this well.

  2. 3

    The price of low-quality content is definitely going to zero. Not sure if that means that high-quality content will also become cheaper.

  3. 2

    Really good question! This one made me think.

    I think AI developed content will be short lived, I also think it depends in how Google chooses to combat this. However, AI does just regurgitate content from around the web, regardless of how good, bad, true or false that may be.

    Google already have methods of assessing plagiarised work, and AI based content will be treated much the same I believe.

    Ultimately, in the context of pure Google, I think the emphasis will remain on content for people for the foreseeable.

  4. 1

    Could totally imagine a parallel, computer-generated metaverse.

    1. 1

      Your thinking is in good company 😀. That's exactly the gist of yesterday's post on Stratechery


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