The laziest way to generate memes...

Hi all, I built this simple app for those meme fans out there.
Snap a photo and get a meme, I just added the context options.

  1. 1

    Gave it a try and it made me chuckle. Nice project haha!

  2. 1

    very useful and fun!

  3. 1

    Haha nice, great idea!

  4. 1

    I'll try it, thanks.

  5. 1

    I don't think there is a lazy way. I would use Canva.

  6. 1

    Oh this is pretty cool! Nice work!

    What AI are you using for the vision analysis?

    1. 1

      I'm using blip-2 to recognize the image hosted at replicate.hq then I send the description with a prompt to chatGPT

      1. 1

        Ah nice! Seems to be working out fine for you?

        I was using the same stack for a side project that I never really launched.

        1. 1

          By the way using the same stack I build chefjeept.vercel.app a few weeks before.
          Never run out of ideas of what to cook. :)

        2. 1

          you should have launch it and see where it led.

          1. 1

            Ah, chefjeept looks super interesting as well!

            About that side project, I didn't really get it ready to launch. However, I'm not throwing it off the list yet. I just got busy building RefineTweets.com 😅
            I might come back to that once I'm done with this one.

            Also, Replicate is actually a bit costly, i.e. if you start to get some users and (and if you're not charging them). How do you handle that?

            1. 1

              I got some credit from them so I'm using that, still figuring it out how to monetize this so let's hope I come up with something before I run out of credits. :)
              Refineteets did not open for me.

              1. 1

                Sounds great! Surely it helps to have some breathing space. I'm sure it has potential. You'll figure it out.

                And dang, can't believe I miss spelled my own site 😅

                Try: https://refinedtweets.com/

  7. 1

    This is really cool! Congratulations :)

  8. 1

    Wow! It works fast!


    Good luck!

  9. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

  10. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 2

      Thank you for this detailed feedback, I understand what you are saying about the white background, I will add that, not monetization plans for now, it was just a fun project but I agree with you, a watermark can bring exposure, I will add that.
      Will work on adding an edit option.

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