The low-risk approach to successfully bootstrapping a SaaS

submitted this link to Icon for group Bootstrapped
on November 18, 2022
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    Thanks for the shout! Good timing, I just released a video last week that adds some additional depth to stair stepping: https://youtu.be/3qUJnFyRlyQ

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    The Stair Step Method of Bootstrapping by
    has worked super well for me.

    Currently, I'm at "Step 1: Your First Product" - http://Santhe.info with 70 paying customers.

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    Has anyone tried this? If you did can can you tell us your story?

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      I know many founders (probably into the 100s now) who have done this in one form or another. Sometimes it’s pure software, other times it’s ebook to course to membership website, etc. or you can stair step e-commerce sites.

      Probably once every other month on my podcast I wind up interviewing someone who has stair stepped their way up, here’s an example from a few months ago:


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        A message from the man, the myth, the legend!
        Appreciate your videos, I'm going to get started with this approach and if you want I'll keep you posted!

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    This is such a great method. And super refreshing to hear as it's actually 'sane'. I can see why so many bootstrappers succeed with this method. Thanks for sharing.

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      I appreciate that! I’m glad it resonates with you, and I agree, trying to find sane, repeatable approaches is much better than playing the startup lottery.

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    "In my experience, the biggest pitfall that trips up first-time product people is trying to create something too complex."

    Completely agree. People think they need to re-invent the wheel. When some of the best products out there come from literally the simplest idea. Solve a simple problem with a simple solution, that's the key.

  6. 1

    Very interesting thank you for sharing! Usually I try to get to 3rd step without first 2, I guess it could be an interesting experiment

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