The Next Big Thing in Crypto is DAOs

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on February 1, 2022
  1. 1

    This was a brilliant introduction to DAOs, something I also believe is the next big thing to emerge from blockchain tech and the crypto ecosystem. Thanks for sharing!

    1. 1

      thank you, appreciated!

  2. 1

    hey IH, original writer here, just saying hi!

    Two main takeaways from this article:

    1. Before starting a DAO, always compare it to its web2 version. Example: before you start a crowdfund DAO, why wouldn't a web2 GoFundMe work just as well? for most cases, the centralized version would work just fine.

    2. A DAO is only as strong as decentralized as its most centralized link. If treasury management or voting isn't decentralized, the organization can be co-opted by bad actors. If a DAO is ruled by a multi-sig wallet, what's stopping the voters from colluding with each other to steal the funds? In reality most DAOs are a mix of centralized and decentralized parts, with only the most critical parts decentralized - ie treasury management or voting.

    If you liked this article or wanna talk crypto more, DM's always open at twitter.com/_michaellin . Cheers!

  3. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

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