The Next Big Thing... in the MetaVerse! #SYITL

I was on a flight, on my way to Boston, and looking out the window (I always sits by the window), I see this huge and vast green-ish-yellow-ish land... For a good 2min I was day-dreaming looking at it...

Imagine a MetaFarm... a virtual game/experience where you're building your own farm, learning the ways inside-out of fully sustaining yourself and helping others do the same. Imagine being rewarded with FarmTokens as you level up. Now imagine a DAO, working towards collecting funds, investments and build real physical farms (matching the MetaFarms) where our community (MetaFarmers) will receive perks/discounts/gifts from these real farms and also available to everyone else (using our token for purchase, and even get token back rewards), create more employments in the field... There's more to it, but let's start here...

What do you think?

I couldn't help myself and started putting things together, starting with a simple teasing landing page (https://mflabs.io). Anyone willing to work together and build up this project, feel free to reach out.

Farmers are Pioneers! :)

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