The Quarantine Manifesto

19 Declarations To Follow During Covid-19

1.- I will not let this pull me down
Even when everything feels like it weighs me down, I will keep moving forward

2.- This won’t define me
This is just a chapter in my story, but it will not be the last

3.- I will grow from this
And allow myself to learn more about who I am and who I want to be

4.- I won’t stop believing in my vision and my potential
As I work on my projects, I will adapt to give myself the best chance at success

5.- I am patient and will focus in my long-term goals
As I take the time to equip myself for the post-pandemic world

6.- I condition myself to become the best version of myself
And find a consistent course of action that leads to self-improvement

7.- I will learn to forgive myself
And understand that during these crazy times, my mental health comes first

8.- I will love and encourage those around me
As the only way to get through this is through the power of connectivity

9.- I will challenge myself to go beyond my potential
And never conform

10.- I will find a reason to smile
Specially when everything gives me every reason not to

11.- I will prove the world wrong
Even when it feels the whole world is against me

12.- I’ll never stop believing things will get better
No matter how dark the night is, the sun always rises

13.- I will devote myself to my endeavours
Through consistency and accountability to myself

14.- I will surpass all expectations
The only limits will be those of my imagination

15.- I will come out stronger than ever before
And more motivated than ever to get to where I want to get

16.- I will find consistency between my thoughts and my actions
It’s the best way to achieve self-improvement

17.- I will go easy on myself
No one expects anything from me, I owe myself time to grow at my own pace

18.- I won’t look back at this
But I won’t forget either

19.- __________________________________________
This is for you. What is your personal declaration?

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