The telehealth era is good news for indie hackers

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on April 14, 2022
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    Telemedicine is good, of course, but at least sometimes, a doctor needs to meet with a patient in real life to monitor his health. Telemedicine is important if you have a few questions for your doctor, but there is no way to make an appointment with him personally. A qualified paediatrician in Indiana, whose services my sister uses, sometimes consults by phone. However, the paediatrician personally examines her child every week and monitors the development. Self-medication is extremely dangerous, so I do not recommend doing it.

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    Hmm the tele-health era might be good for indie hackers, but tele-health, and the medical industry in general, isn't on the right trajectory.

    The way the medical system is set up is anti-doctor. People can go become a Physicians Assistant for a few years, as opposed to medical school, and still make similar money as a doctor and have similar prestige. The medical industry isn't even using the term doctor anymore, they are "practitioners" (I think this is the right term, if it's not don't roast me). It's degrading. Imagine going to school for 7+ years, studying for tons of exams, and then being called a practitioner. That's like saying all medical professionals are equal, and there isn't a difference between a Doctor, a Physicians Assistant, and a Nurse. They are just all "practitioners" of medicine.

    Right now I don't see what reason there is for someone to be a doctor. There are very few doctors these days who own their own practices, and they are buried on administrative work they can't afford to do, so they are forced to become employees in large medical groups. Back in the day they had far more autonomy, and made better cash.

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      "Right now I don't see what reason there is for someone to be a doctor."

      Totally. I have a friend who just started his residency. He has $200K in debt and is already feeling burnt out by a system that entails 60+ hours per week and no change in sight.

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    The government pays for most healthcare where I am, but one consequence of this is that access isn't as straightforward as it is in the U.S. (for those who are able to pay, anyway). I often found that I need to physically get to a clinic just to book an appointment which will take place hours away, and there goes half your day. Telehealth makes this so much better - call the clinic, schedule a call back, done.

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    I've done telehealth visits twice (I pay for my own health care). The experience was pretty good overall.

    I felt like the doctor was actually listening to me and not rushing to get out of the room, which was a nice change of pace. Unfortunately, both times they told me I should go into an office to see a doctor in person ... 🙄

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    Glad to see that telehealth is making health care more accessible to people. But it feels like the U.S. health system is in a race to the bottom. Basically, the goal is how can insurance cut services and costs to the bone while still providing "health care."

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    Telehealth is not only improving its care, it's becoming more affordable and more accessible. That should be good news for indie hackers that are (in the U.S. at least) most likely buying their own health care.

    More telehealth users also would seem to be a solid opportunity for IHers.

    Just curious, how many IHers are buying their own health care and/or using telehealth services?

  7. 0

    I've done telehealth visits twice (I pay for my own health care). The experience was pretty good overall. If you are looking for Interior Designer in Noida we have best Interior Designers. So If you interested than you can visit our webpage.

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