This week in Micro SaaS - $3K MRR in 1 month

As a part of my weekly Micro SaaS Ideas Newsletter, I send a small section every week with news updates around Micro SaaS.

(2 min read)

  1. Remote Rocketship, a job board for remote jobs by Lior Neu-ner hits $1,000 MRR.
  2. Our Micro SaaS HQ Pro-member Anton launched ChatYourDomain, an AI-powered chat interface that simplifies the process from idea to available domain.
  3. Tom crossed $100 MRR from his iOS app Aiva: AI Virtual Assistant.
  4. Nick crossed $9K MRR, without any ad spend, with Movevirtual, a platform for hiring off-shore growth assistants.
  5. JobBoardSearch by Rodrigo Rocco reaches $16,308.10 or $1,359/mo. Here’s the founder’s earlier interview on FounderBeats.
  6. Bruno Hills shares how he grew Featurebase to $2,500 MRR.
  7. AI tool BBLY hits $3K MRR within the first month of launching.
  8. WebMagic AI by Ryan Morrison hits €693 MRR and crossed 91 paying customers.
  9. Hailey Ellis-Kelley had a $30k exit from Podcast Production School, a digital course + membership community.
  10. Dan got 35 students and $53,000 in sales for a Build a GPT-4 chatbot course.
  11. Inspect Flow, a developer tool for Tailwind CSS by Guillermo, reaches 275 total customers.
  1. 2

    I like you putting effort to compile the inspiring list. Thanks.

  2. 2

    +1, just subscribed to your newsletter!!

  3. 1

    Subscribed to the newsletter :)

  4. 1

    Congratulations on your impressive progress! As a fellow micro-SaaS founder (owner of the Fordeer: Invoice Print Order app for Shopify), I know firsthand how challenging it can be to build and grow a profitable SaaS business.

    It's inspiring to see that you were able to generate $3k in monthly recurring revenue in just one month. Your focus on building a product that solves a real problem for your customers and utilizing a targeted marketing strategy clearly paid off.

    Thanks for sharing your progress and insights. It's always encouraging to see fellow micro-SaaS founders making strides towards success!

  5. 1

    looks awesome, subscribed to your newsletter!

  6. 1

    you should collab with explodingideas.co or trends.co you have similar products

    1. 1

      I think yes. We should do that.

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