Time to start blogging for my SaaS, which platform should I start from.

Should I just stick with Medium and Co. Or use Wordpress etc? Want to get it off the ground ASAP. Thanks!

posted to Icon for group Bloggers
on September 1, 2022
  1. 3

    Don't use medium for SEO reasons and they lock content.

    You most likely want it on a subfolder "/blog" what are you using for your website?

  2. 2

    As a SaaS business owner, you may be wondering which blogging platform is best for your company. There are a few factors to consider when making your decision. First, think about your audience and which platform they are most likely to use. For example, if your target market is businesses, you may want to start with a platform like LinkedIn. If your target market is consumers, you may want to start with a platform like WordPress. Second, consider your budget and which platform will be most cost-effective for your company. Lastly, think about your goals for blogging and which platform will best help you achieve those goals.
    No matter which platform you choose, remember that consistency is key to successful blogging. happy writing!

    1. 1

      Thanks for the answer, very helpful!

  3. 2

    Hey Dario,

    I'm building Typestack (https://typestack.ai/) a blazing fast alternative to WordPress.

    You can get going in a few minutes with your blog setup.

    We are in Beta phase and have a huge roadmap, would love to get your feedback on the product.

    Please feel free to DM me anytime if you need any help.

  4. 2

    You can also publish blogs with notion.

    Depending on what type of blogs you want to write you might find the formatting options for Medium limiting, with notion you have all the standard functions.

  5. 2

    I've heard good things about SuperBlog.ai from Sai Krishna. Super fast and easy.

  6. 2

    I switched to Ghost for blogging lately, much less clutter and much smoother in the backend than Wordpress.

  7. 2

    I may be bias, but Bear Blog is quite possibly the best blogging platform. It's got a 100% SEO score on lighthouse and is super easy to use (assuming a passing familiarity with markdown).

  8. 2

    Buddy, congratulations!

    You already started here on Indiehackers

  9. 2

    In my opinion, better a /blog directory with WordPress.

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    Do you want to just write content and relax, or do you have time to maintain a wordpress site?

    Wordpress would give you a lot of control and your own domain, so you could do blog.yourdomain.com for a self hosted wordpress. Not sure if everything in medium is under their main .com site.

    1. 2

      And full disclaimer, I sell wordpress hosting but attempting to be unbiased.

  11. 1

    I'm a fan of Markdown and the easiness of working with files. Because of both backup capabilities and editing offline. Then I use them with static site generators.
    Ghost is also good, with a nice editing experience. It's better for non-coders.

  12. 1

    This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

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