Tips to increase mobile trial starts by optimizing your paywall screen 💸

I've been working on putting together a collection of ~100 of the best paywalls in other apps and Figma templates to design your own (just released it here https://www.producthunt.com/posts/paywall-screens).

I wanted to share three interesting UX patterns I noticed while building this 👇

  1. The "Trial Timeline" ⏰ - a timeline that lets you know you'll be notified 2 days before your trial converts. Blinkist reported that they saw a 23% increase in trial starts when they implemented this. Other apps that had this include: Headway, Jour

  2. The "Trial Toggle" 🎚- a toggle switch that "turns on" the free trial. Toggling has no impact on pricing but makes the free trial feel like a bonus. Apps I saw with this: Flo, Prequel

  3. Social proof ⭐️ - some of the most compelling paywall screens I saw included a list of recent customer reviews. Apps that have this included: FitnessAI, Loóna, Universe

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    Interesting. For #1, how did this impact paid conversions? Was there an increase in payments after the trial?

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