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Tips to rank higher for these keywords?


I'm kinda new to SEO, I'm building a website that has statistics and analytics about League of Legends ARAM game mode.

My website is https://aram.zone/

I'm trying to rank for "aram {{championName}}" keywords like "aram ezreal" (at https://aram.zone/champion/Ezreal), "aram jinx", etc or those with "build" or "runes" added. In almost all of those I'm ranking 15-20, below some questionable websites honestly that have in my biased opinion worse content than me.

I understand ranking in the top 5 for these will be hard but I still feel there's a lot of room for improvement, maybe squeeze into the first page in search results but even after reading a bunch of SEO guides and stuff I can't seem to improve my ranking.

One thing to note I guess is that my pages don't have a lot of text. The content is more images and numbers. My competitors are the same though and they are still higher. I've been trying to focus more on backlinks lately but haven't had a lot of success so far, will keep trying.

Anyways, any suggestions or ideas on things I could try?

Thanks for reading!

posted to
on August 30, 2023
  1. 1

    Great question - this is the challenge of many an SEO and marketer!

    There are hundreds of ranking factors that go into where a page ranks on Google, but it can usually be boiled down to 2 things:

    • Which page answers the question best?
    • Which page has the most authority?

    Authority can be built with time, as well as by having content that ranks. Backlinks (links from other websites to yours) also build authority as they act like "votes" from other websites that your content is high-quality.

    SEO is a tension between creating content that answers/addresses your users' problems while also making it clear to Google that your page deserves to rank. A thorough analysis would be needed, but off the top of my head here are some things I'm noticing:

    • Your website is having trouble loading for me, it took me a few tries to load the homepage and it's pretty slow. It's odd because it scores well on PageSpeedInsights however it wouldn't load right away from me (based in USA for what it's worth)
    • There's no central navigation on your website that allows me to easily find these characters. Navigation is useful for your users and for Google, as Google will start crawling your site from the home page to get a sense of how your website is structured.

    I'd take a queue from this site: https://mobalytics.gg/lol/champions which provides an easy directory of the characters.

    Your content does seem to match up well, and you use title tags and headings well too (you could experiment with setting alt text on your images though.

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