Travel Newsletter Feedback


Hi, I've launched a weekly travel newsletter 23 days ago, written 4 issues so far.

Would love to get as much feedback as possible,

If you have ideas that would make it better, growth tactics, newsletter structure, or anything in particular,
I'm open to it.

There's also a form at the bottom of every newsletter which leads to a google form, for indepth review.

posted to
on April 2, 2023
  1. 2

    Hey! I'm also in the travel space, so just signed up!

    The newsletter is very interesting and super thorough....although if I'm completely honest, I did not read all of it as it felt like it was too mucho information for one sitting. However, everything is very varied and the sections are separate so I could pick and choose what interested me the most (so a definite plus)

    As to how to grow it, there are many different ways! Do you have any social media channels moving this content?
    I also think a referral/word of mouth incentive could really work out for something like this.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the feedback,

      Yes, people love variety. So I try to pick & choose different kinds of news / info. to share.

      I do need to organize it a little better for the too much info. thing.
      So far I've haven't gotten any feedback about it being too much info. & I've read newsletters that are quite big.

      Yes, I'm trying to push it out via social media.
      Although since I don't have any followers at the moment. Feels like I'm talking to a wall.

      As for referrals, & as far as I've researched it, its way too early for me.

  2. 2

    I was just talking about protests in France with someone recently, and only a few months ago I was even planning to go there!

    That being said, I really think your newsletter is great (I subscribed)! I checked out the content and think it's really thorough. Not much to say in terms of feedback other than that I feel like it's just time to ship, ship, ship (not sure what you're doing on the marketing front!)

    In any case, I have some ideas in mind for growth tactics to get more peeps! Lmk if you are open to a community-led or influencer marketing approach! (free)

    1. 1

      Thanks for the kind words.

      Not sure what ship means..

      Currently I'm trying to gather as much feedback as possible, Just yesterday I've posted my newsletter in a bunch of directories, aggregators.

      I also have this idea of msging travel agents/advisors on fb to gather their feedback.

      I'm all ears on your idea. Would love to hear it.

      1. 1

        Of course! Oh sorry "ship" just means get it out there and do marketing (once something is built and it's good -> ship!)

        Messaging people on FB may work! Definitely worth a shot!

        I'm a mod in this community: https://nas.io/hungry-nomads

        I created it with Josh Slavin (https://www.tiktok.com/@slavinjoshua)

        It just started, but our goal is basically just to continue chipping away and build it into a community of travelers, foodies, and digital nomads. So it's all people who are down to travel and are probably on the road or planning trips. That's why your newsletter appealed to me! Since I'm going from the US to Thailand this year for an extended period of time. Joining the community and getting feedback from people as they join could be a good way to get testimonials and social proof for further marketing campaigns!

        But yeah that's the idea more or less, off the top of my head

        1. 1

          Nice, thanks for the link, will definately check it out.

          Yes, getting social proof / validation is key.

          Curious to know from more if this is something people would subscribe to.

          I do have ideas on to improve upon the current newsletter,

          but I'm seeing if someone points it out or say something that I'm not aware / know about.

  3. 1

    Тут очень хорошо

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