Travy - on Product Hunt

Our R&D agency's journey towards the promised land has been nothing short of an odyssey. Imagine a bunch of tech enthusiasts with a passion for crafting innovative solutions - that's us. We initially thrived in the R&D service space, where every project was an exploration into the unknown. It was thrilling, it was adventurous, but we yearned for something more, something we could call our own.

The pivotal moment came when we decided to embark on the ambitious endeavor of developing a product like Travy.io. The decision to pivot from our R&D service niche wasn't made lightly, but it was fueled by a desire to create, to build something that would stand as a testament to our team's collective creativity and expertise. There's a distinct joy in the process - seeing a concept evolve from an idea to a full-fledged product is like witnessing the birth of a digital baby. We enjoy this work not just as a job but as a labor of love, each line of code a brick in the foundation of our creation.

As we bootstrap our way through challenges and triumphs, our vision is crystal clear. We want to see our in-house projects flourish, brick by brick. These aren't just tasks on a to-do list; they're the embodiment of our passion and commitment. In the indie hacker spirit, we revel in the autonomy to shape our own destiny, steering our odyssey towards the promised land of successful, homegrown creations. It's more than a journey; it's a calling to build, to innovate, and to leave our mark on the vast landscape of digital possibilities.

Publishing this article on this specific date happened for a reason as today is a special day - today is the day travy.io is launched on product hunt. If you have a sec, check it out at travy.io/flights. And hey, if you like to share your support, the upvote on Product Hunt would be amazing! 🚀

posted to Icon for group Product Launch
Product Launch
on December 7, 2023
  1. 1

    Your words beautifully capture the essence of a journey filled with passion, dedication, and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. The use of metaphors such as "bootstrapping through challenges and triumphs" and describing projects as "brick by brick" paints a vivid picture of the gradual and deliberate progress.

    The mention of "tasks on a to-do list" being more than just routine activities but the "embodiment of passion and commitment" emphasizes the emotional investment in the work. The term "indie hacker spirit" adds a sense of independence and creativity, highlighting the freedom to shape one's own destiny.

    The reference to an "odyssey towards the promised land of successful, homegrown creations" is powerful and symbolic, suggesting a purposeful and adventurous journey with a clear destination in mind. The words "calling to build, to innovate, and to leave our mark" evoke a sense of purpose and the desire to make a lasting impact in the digital realm.

    Overall, your passage conveys a strong entrepreneurial mindset, embracing challenges with enthusiasm and seeing each project as an opportunity to contribute to the vast landscape of digital possibilities. It's a motivational and inspiring reflection on the journey of building and creating something meaningful.

  2. 1

    Congrats mate! All the best on that!

  3. 1

    Congrats on your launch. Voted. Would you love to support us in our launch on Monday

  4. 1

    I'm launching a SaaS on Product Hunt but it's not being featured and I'm stuck at #11.
    What are the benefits of getting a good ranking on Product Hunt?

    It's disappointing to see that within the PH community, getting votes often relies on personal connections.

  5. 1

    Hey Theodor, great to see your product being highlighted on Product Hunt and IndieHackers.com! Kudos for creating such an amazing product. A job well done indeed!

  6. 1

    If you don't mind I would like to help you with seo and reddit. From my understanding of your business is they help no office business manage travels.

    Here are the report analysis for travy : TRAVY BLOG AND REDDIT ANALYSIS

    From the analysis you could see that when the topic "corporate travel policy" have a good rating for blog and reddit which it have more engagement from the audience. And from this topic you can see they specifically interested on developing corporate travel policies, corporate travel policy compliance and corporate travel policy best practices

    You can adjust your target market and target customer accordingly at decentool.com

    Hopefully it is beneficial for you.

  7. 1

    So much is made of a successful launch on Product Hunt but what exactly is the most common outcome of a top place finish besides bragging rights?

  8. 1

    Supported, good luck.

    I'll be launching my design subscription agency https://www.pentaclay.com soon.

  9. 1

    Supported, Good luck buddy!

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