Twitter search is more powerful thank you think

Did you know there are more than 75 Twitter search operators?

You can use them in Twitter Explore page search bar or with TweetDeck.

I came up with the following ideas to utilize them:

  1. Find competitor customers

to:hootsuite -from:hootsuite

Hootsuite is known for having dissatisfied customers, especially for its refund policy. You can convert those unhappy customers into your own startup.

  1. Find jobs postings for your programming language

hiring ruby OR javascript

  1. Find all quotes of specific user

twitter.com/elonmusk/status/ -elonmusk

  1. Tweets with specific timeframe

For sentiment analysic of Ethereum merge, we can get all the tweets:

since:2022-09-15 until:2022-09-16 eth merge

  1. Find popular tweets including Indiehackers link

url:indiehackers.com min_faves:100

What other ideas do you have utilizing the Twitter search operators?

P.S. I just released a new feature for ExportData. 🚢 I have added the ability to download old tweets from Twitter since 2006 in Excel and CSV formats.

posted to Icon for group Twitter
on October 27, 2022
  1. 7

    I found out about advanced search recently, and this is a query I like:

    YOUR_TOPIC min_faves:10 lang:en -filter:links -filter:replies

    This finds popular tweets related to your topic that aren't linking out, so they're usually discussions and have higher visibility (Twitter shows Tweets with links less).

    I also switch over to the Latest tab and then copy the URL, so I can quickly revisit this search in the future. I have a template for my daily social engagement work in Notion where I use this link, so I can see the most popular relevant tweets since I last checked. Then if I have anything to contribute, I'll reply, and my comment will get a lot of visibility, leading to more followers.

    1. 1

      Excellent query, thanks for sharing.

      I will definitely try this strategy to get more visibility on Twitter. 🤞

    1. 1

      It is amazing i just checked it out man...way to go...!!

  2. 2

    Great stuff, mate! 🙌

    I’ve seen some people using this to get only the posts ( not replies) from people they follow.

    Would you know the command for that?

    1. 2

      Yes. You can use filter:follows for that. Here is an example query.

      Another attractive operator is filter:trusted, which algorithmically expands the social network based on your activities and follows. It works only with Top results though.

      1. 1

        Interesting! I'm gonna test that right away—thanks 😋

  3. 2

    Awesome, great ideas!

  4. 1

    Recently twitter has made lot of changes. Would it be beneficial for content curator and to market new brands.
    Actually, I have seen some posts and market https://orionactivefit.com/ in Pakistan

  5. 1

    Will it improve further after the Elon Musk deal.

  6. 1

    Very nice! This was the step I took before diving into Twitter API with postman.
    Tip: you can use the same syntax for the query as in advanced search in twitter.com ;)

  7. 1

    Jared and I built a chrome extension that makes the Twitter search easy : ) https:cats.xyz

    It lets you search over all the tweets from the people you follow, your own likes, bookmarks, tweets, and even Twitter in one place!

  8. 1

    Oh this is very helpful. Twitter searches was the reason I could learn more about entrepreneurship by searching stuff like "non-technical founder", "no-code =" etc. and following people sharing great stuff. This takes it to another level.

  9. 1

    This is brilliant! I’m just getting started with Twitter, but the examples you have made me pretty excited about the possibilities

  10. 1

    I enjoyed the practicality of your examples. Nice post!

  11. 1

    Thank you so much for sharing :)

  12. 1

    Thanks for sharing, it will help a lot 👍

  13. 1

    Thanks for sharing
    This is so helpful

  14. 1

    Thanks for sharing these tips and tricks 👌

  15. 1

    Thanks for sharing. You've shared a very valuable information.

  16. 1

    Great tip to search for the customers :)

    Sometimes I forget the syntaxes so I use advanced UI search → twitter.com/search-advanced

    1. 1

      this is exactly why I've built https://birdsearch.carrd.co you don't have to remember search phrases + it exposes more text fields

  17. 1

    I like from:username to search my own tweets.

    Or to:username to see tweets sent to me.

  18. 1

    I just want to be able to search through my own liked tweets

  19. 0

    No doubt, I searched many queries to write my paper. And always I find more.

  20. 0

    HDI PCBs have high-density attributes, including laser microvias, sequential lamination structures, fine lines, and high-performance thin materials. This increased density enables more functions per unit area.

  21. 1

    This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

    1. 2

      I have a blog post I keep up to date right here. Or you can bookmark the Github link as well.

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

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