Unfollowing twitter accounts with >10k followers

I've been trying to become more active on twitter, and maybe I've just found myself in a weird sub-genre, but I feel like every entrepreneur with >10k followers just tweets growth hacks and motivational messages all day.

Who's good to follow on twitter, big or small, that actually tweets about building a business?

  1. 3

    I’m halfway to 10k but feel too awkward to post growth hacks. Did stop posting MRR after 20K as it started to feel uncomfortable.

    Usually post work in progress gifs and feature updates. Some js/css dev tips.


  2. 2

    That is similar to the advice by Kevon Cheung in his course on Twitter, which I recommend (as well as his book, Finding Joy in Chaos) https://www.makingtwitterfriends.com/

  3. 2

    It's really hard to filter through crap. It's been like a fight with these services to get through all the "popular" stuff. I have certain keywords I look for now and build that repertoire. I also followed enough people selectively where I get the information I need.

  4. 2

    I've just started being active again on Twitter so no recs from me (yet) - I am tweeting about these things though.

    Just wanted to say I've noticed the same thing. Threads with the most low effort "buy my course" ending tweets, platitudes etc. Gets old fast!

  5. 2

    I was searching for profiles who tweet insightful stuff on SaaS, user acquisition, and marketing. Found 0 people after 6 months of searching, gave up, and have become one myself.


    *ps Jake, you'll have more followers if you upload a brighter profile pic without a tie

    1. 1

      Thanks for the tip, updated!

  6. 2

    I am mostly sharing my professional life experience being an Engineering Manager in a startup, the books I read, and the products I built. I lost my 10-year-old previous account, and this is a new one with 200 followers. Maybe you like it.


  7. 2

    I am under 10K, and I share the daily struggles, challenges and experiments in building a solo business.

  8. 2

    I agree with this. I'm a small account and my focus is on building public and connecting with others who are sharing their experiences as well! I'd love to connect :)

    1. 1

      Followed! Excited to see you build!

  9. 2

    Maybe me? A stroke of indie, community and personal life.

    1. 1

      Followed! Can’t wait to check it out

  10. 2

    I'm tiny but tweet on my building journey for my site assistant tool. @wpsiteassistant has a whopping 12 followers, yay.

    But yes all the big accounts seem to be the same AI based growth hack junk or silly threads with no value but just sales leads for the social platform etc.

    1. 1

      I’ll check you out, thanks!

  11. 2

    Tech lead says to get off social media and get back to do some work...

  12. 2

    Well, I kinda do. But like on a pretty small scale! 😶

    1. 1

      That's the best scale :) followed!

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