US inflation climbed to 8.5% in March, highest rate since 1981

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on April 12, 2022
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    And from a business perspective, inflation will cause monthly profits to drop as fixed income from subscriptions might steadily decline.

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    That's only the headline inflation. Real inflation rate in US is probably closer to 12-15%. To put this in perspective: if you parked your money in a 2% CD today, in 10 years you'll have about half of that mount. And that's assuming a constant rate.

    I recommend everyone watch "The princes of Yen" on Youtube, if you want to understand what is coming next.

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      If real inflation is around 12-15% then what does that mean for pricing an indie hacker project? Should prices reflect the increased cost?

      My gut tells me that if inflation is higher then the price of software needs to rise too. But theres also a massive market of products, so it's a bit of a race to the bottom.

      Employees are able to just ask for a salary increase to reflect inflation, indie hackers obviously need to find other ways to get receive the same boost.

      I wonder if the current inflation rate entices people to pursue the risk of indie hacking, or if they'd instead just go the conventional route.

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        Many excellent questions. I am not sure I have the answers to them.

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    It'll be interesting to see what happens to cryptocurrency prices. For the longest time Bitcoin has been touted as a hedge against inflation, but that assumption is about to get tested.

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    I don't know about y'all, but I've been feeling the inflation. My rent just went up 13% and the prices of gas is around $6 (it was $3 in December I believe). I'm not sure what the solution is here, but the inflation is really cutting into my earnings and my real wage is probably down YoY despite getting an increase in pay.

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