Utilizing Reddit To Create Killer Blog Posts

Creating compelling blog posts that resonate deeply with your ideal buyer is challenging.

It's impossible to just know what everyone thinks about without the right amount of research.

But if you ask them directly in a survey or interview, they might not give you their unfiltered answers.

That's where a place like Reddit can be a gold mine.

Reddit is full of unfiltered talk from people.

It's these honest chats that are like nuggets of gold for your blog.

Here’s an exact 3-step strategy to create your most powerful blog post yet:

Step 1: Finding Treasure In The Right Places On Reddit

Identify the relevant subreddits where your target audience is actively engaged.

Imagine, for instance, that you're planning to write a blog post for an email marketing agency aiming to assist B2B companies in acquiring their leads through email nurturing instead of PPC advertising.

Here’s how to begin:

Go to Gummy Search.

1.1) Create a new audience

New Audience

1.2) Add active subreddits that are buzzing with business owners

Active Subreddits

1.3) Find a recent long-form post with 10+ comments

long form post

Step 2: Uncover The Golden Nuggets

Dig through these comments and posts for the following key details

Golden Nuggets

2.1) The problem

  • They mention that they get few conversions (enquiries), and when they do receive them, they’re either junk, spam, not qualified, or under the $25K project budget.‍
  • They wasted 12 months testing landing pages and coming up with poor results.

2.2) The obstacle

They spent hours searching previous Reddit posts to answer some of their issues, but were unsuccessful.

2.3) The dream

  • Someone who understands their current pains of PPC campaigns.‍
  • A lead generation solution that generates high-quality conversations and clients.

Don't stop there.

Look at three more Reddit posts and their comments.

Find anything new?

Add that to the POD.

These details are the 'gold nuggets' that will make creating your blog post a whole lot easier.

Step 3: Create your blog post

Now take the insights and keywords you've gathered to structure your blog.

For example, your title can be "Why Email Marketing Beats PPC for Getting B2B Leads."

Now design the content of your post so that it resonates with whatever you added to the POD above.

Utilise the exact language used in the POD to demonstrate a deep understanding of their needs, showing that you not only hear them but also possess the solutions they need.

This approach builds trust and nurtures them towards taking action on the dream solution your service offers…

If you enjoyed this post, you can check out The Growth Archive to stay updated with more B2B marketing examples like this.. :)

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on November 29, 2023
  1. 2

    it was amazing to know this kind of knowledge which reflects the experience behind this

  2. 2

    Reddit is honestly one of the best ways to find blog ideas right now. Easy to find what your customers are asking right now!

  3. 2

    Love this! There was a reason why I always felt comfortable hanging out at Reddit, reading discussions and participating it, and yes, more than often, I do get inspired by one of the posts I see so thanks for validating this

  4. 2

    Nice work - you've written a great article on how to use Reddit to create killer blog posts!

    You've broken the process down effectively, offering valuable tips that any blogger can use to stand out.

    Well done!

  5. 2

    WOW, Cameron. Thank you so much. Been suffering from writer's block recently and this just opened my eyes to a content glitch I could employ.

    1. 1

      Thnx hope this helps you out. I'm sure you can apply this to what people mention in other forums / Facebook groups. It's just easier to track them on Reddit

  6. 2

    Cameron, this is GOOD! Thanks for the inspiration, will use it this week!

    1. 1

      Awesome, what project are you working on?

  7. 2

    The idea is great! thanks for sharing buddy!🚀

    1. 1

      Thanks Prem, I made a series here on Indiehackers that sends out more content like this, if you are interested..

  8. 1

    I really love the way you explain this.

  9. 1

    Thank you, eyes opening, i wanted to share my experience in launching a new global product in reddit and i wasn't sure of the process your article is enlightening

  10. 1

    I love this, thank you for sharing it!

  11. 1

    Thanks for sharing. I really like this idea. I will definitely try.

    I wrote an article about how I made 21k+ views on one single Reddit post. 👇


    This have some cool insights too.

    1. 1

      Yes, I've already read your post before, thanks

  12. 1

    Creating blog posts that truly strike a chord with your target audience is indeed a complex task. It's often challenging to access unfiltered insights directly from individuals. Your approach of leveraging Reddit's candid conversations for valuable content creation is spot on. Thank you for the content

    1. 1

      No problem, appreciate the words

  13. 0

    I made this analytics tool that enable you to see what the best keywords and things to write about as a blog and as a reddit post.

    The tool will go tru thousands of topic related to your specific niche and market and then analyze it based on user interaction on google and reddit to give you the best topic to write about and all the important data about it.

    Here a sample of the analytics : SAMPLE REDDIT AND GOOGLE ANALYTIC RESULT

    I recommend you guys to try it out at decentool.com

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