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Validate that willingness to pay ASAP, 💡💰

So here's the deal: I spent a whole year building what I believed was the perfect product. I coded day in and day out, had 1,000 daily active users, and pretty much lived in my parent's basement throughout the process. 🏡💻

But guess what? After all that hard work and dedication, when I finally tried to monetize it, I was met with Nobody wanted to pay for it.

That was a tough pill to swallow, let me tell you.

But I didn't give up. I learned from that experience, and from then on, every startup I created, I asked for payment upfront. And you know what? It made all the difference.

Founders Cafe got a whopping 40 paying customers in just 2 months

StoryMage scored its very first customer ($500/month) just one day after launch

The lesson here is crystal clear: If your idea is truly valuable and compelling, people ARE willing to pay upfront to try it. If they're not willing, then your offering might not be up to snuff. It's a cold, hard truth we all need to face.

Sure, you can set up as many free trials as you want and keep building for years, but if people won't reach for their wallets, you might be in trouble.

So, remember this: It's better to know on day 1 whether people are willing to pay for your product than to find out on day 1000 when you've invested so much time and effort.

Validate that willingness to pay ASAP, 💡💰 Your startup's success might depend on it.

What are your thoughts on this approach? Any similar experiences???

posted to
on September 14, 2023
  1. 1

    Thanks for this great approach.
    I totally agree with you on this but my thought is that your approach comes from 1000 days of effort you did.

    I think it only happens to others when they realize after investing so much time and effort.
    If not it could be hard to understand this approach.
    Even if, they won's make success.

    In my case I've been working as a software engineer for 8 years, pretty a solid career path but guess what?
    Failed many times when I came up with the new idea. And finally I reached to your approach and thank you.

    Now I have an idea but not sure where to start, how to build community, where to get invest.

    if this is the thing you're interested I'd love to hear from your advise.

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