[VIDEO] Debugging Carrd and Stripe

Did a video on debugging with Carrd and Stripe. I got some questions around it and wanted to show my process.

Hope you find it useful! Any feedback is welcome and please subscribe to the channel if you like the content <3

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on July 22, 2020
  1. 1

    do you need a different Stripe account (on the same Stripe overall sign-in) for each website you have?

    1. 1

      Hmm it depends on the business is on each website - are they tied to separate bank accounts for instance/complicated and how separate you would like to keep it. But I would say same account for small projects will work perfectly.

      1. 1

        I remember reading somewhere that you need a different account, or at least a different API code, for each web domain you take money on?

        1. 1

          That's what they advise: https://stripe.com/docs/multiple-accounts

          But in reality if you are testing two small projects on different domains you can operate it on the same account. You will want to separate them as it grows of course.

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