Want more leads and sales for your SaaS? The most crucial element is....

Want more leads and sales for your SaaS? The most crucial element is showing a quick demo or "Show" section with a GIF or images.

As a founder who bootstrapped to over $450k revenue, I've tested many website variations. Hands down, the #1 driver of leads is a short, punchy demo GIF.

Why does it work so well?

GIFs show, don't tell. In just 1 second, visitors immediately understand what your product does. No lengthy explanations needed.

An effective demo GIF has:

Minimal words - 1-2 short sentences max
Simple visual - Imagine explaining it on a billboard
Shows ONE key benefit or feature
For example, when I launched my email outreach tool, the hook was:

Beyond the GIF, I recommend:

Comparing your solution to competitors
Sharing a client's results from using your product
Displaying social proof and testimonials
Providing pricing details
But start with a strong demo GIF that grabs attention fast. This one element can double, even triple your inbound leads. Try it on your site and see the impact!

If you’re a founder looking to get first paying customers and more inbound leads from your site, check out Founders Cafe (https://founderscafe.io/). We helped Sarah, Luigi, Harsha, and many others get their first customers, and scale to 30k MRR! Happy to help fellow founders implement what's worked for me.

posted to Icon for group Community Building
Community Building
on January 20, 2024
  1. 1

    Great idea! Do you have an example you can share of a Saas website doing this?

  2. 1

    Interesting Maddie, definitely something to think about. I will come back to it once we are product ready.

  3. 1

    That's a very good idea you got there !
    I didn't know i needed to ear this kind of tips, thank you for that

  4. 1

    wow, i never thought about using GIFs.

    always tried to record 1-minute video and put on the website.

    but I agree having a short GIF is even better.

    thanks for the suggestion!

  5. 1

    Not sure about this. This is rather complicated. The replication of this strategy needs to be tested extensively first. There are lots of if's and but's. There are lots of factors that might have worked along with the gif one together.

  6. 1

    Thanks for sharing your insights on the power of demo GIFs for boosting leads. Your experience and success with bootstrapping is impressive. I'll definitely consider incorporating a compelling demo GIF on our site to enhance user understanding.

  7. 1

    videos also feel more personal, there is another level of effort that goes into it

  8. 1

    Great tips.

    Gifs are the reason why I have chosen some tools over others. Heck even some paid ones over free ones.

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