We got featured in the Slack Directory. Here is how we did it.

We got Inkrement featured in the Slack App Directory under Working From Home Category:

Slack provides some general guidelines about getting featured here:

Slack is interested in featuring high-quality apps that make them and their slack directory look great and look for the following 3 things:

  • Customers or at least beta customers
  • Reviews/Customer testimonials
  • Recent marketing activity (launches, blog posts, polish)

Customers or at least beta customers

It's hard to fool Slack. They can tell how many workspaces have installed your slack app directory and how many users are using it. I would recommend getting 4-5 beta customers before asking for slack to feature you. This will ensure that active users are using your app in their workspaces and will make the slack app seem valuable.

When we submitted to slack app directory, we had 19 workspaces using our app. They range from 1 person shops to 500 ppl companies (friendly, non-paying ones :( ) but active none the less. We have also featured the logos of some of our bigger users on our website. Social proof goes a long way towards showing value in the product.

Reviews/Customer feedback

I don't know how to do inline images using markdown but if you go to inkrement, you can see that we have shared quite a few testimonials from our customers. This helps bring legitimacy to the product

Recent marketing activity (launches, blog posts)

With Slack, we shared our product hunt page, our website which we have spent quite a bit of time designing, as well as a link to our blog.

This shows that we are serious about building and marketing a high-quality slack app.

Last step, Email [email protected]
This is the last and very important step. Slack gets thousands of submissions and they can't parse through all of them to understand who to feature so you have to bring yourself up. By emailing them and sharing all the info above, and making your case, you will have a good chance of getting featured.

Now truth be told, we haven't gotten that many installs from being featured (only 3 so far after a week) but I believe that's because we are next to some big hitters in Polly and officevibe AND our slack app copy is not as great as it can be.

We will be iterating on those and hopefully get featured again. I have noticed that apps get featured multiple times and I think the 3 items above help build that foundation for being featured over and over again.

Good luck on your slack app journey and getting featured and let me know if you have any questions

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    @noahwbragg, @tomquirk

    In case you were interested.

    1. 1

      Awesome to see this! Will definitely look into it more myself 👀

    2. 1

      Thats awesome! Thanks for the tips. Congrats! Hope this brings a lot of new customers for you. It would be cool if you could report back on how being featured affected the number of new customers coming in.

      1. 3

        Thanks ! Yeah for sure, I will definitely report back! I might also ask @adityasg13 to do it in tandem with me as he is being feature under new and noteworthy.

        Maybe we can do a report on the impact of being featured .

  2. 1

    Congrats Mirv, and Inkrement team! Matthew from Shuffl here. Recall seeing your app with ours during this period - amazing. Wishing you the best in 2021!

    1. 1

      Wow completely missed this message! That's awesome Matthew. I did see Shuffl being featured as well . Hope you got some great customers. Yo @matthewlee, I noticed you got featured on the front page at the top as one of 3 slack apps. The featured section was much larger than the other categories. How did you get in there? Anything special requirements there you can share ?

      1. 1

        Hey @Mirv - sorry for delay in response; this channel isn't checked as frequently for me. Re: your question on the Main Feature: shoot me a note at [email protected] - always love helping others. Maybe a zoom chat?

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