We launched a new landing page, rate it!

Hey everyone,

We've been trying to better our landing page and have finally landed on a cool new design. Please let me know what you think of it.

For context, we are an ed-tech start-up that structures the already available online learning material. We make our roadmaps on topics using experts and Ai.

Check it out and let me know your thoughts! www.thepathfinderproject.co.uk

posted to
on July 21, 2023
  1. 2

    Hey, love the idea! I was actually building something very similar to this a while back. Here are my initial thoughts:

    The "how pathfinder works" section should be clickable so I can choose which step I want to view.

    Similar to the footer hover that tx mentioned, the navbar should also change the cursor on the "Contact" option.

    Having only UI/UX design in the top hero section might be misleading. Show the variety of learning options you offer in the first hero as well.

  2. 1

    Looks great. Some pieces of feedback:

    • The About Us page was slow to load
    • Some of the sections use up a lot of vertical space
    • Carousel isn't swipable
    • Search seems to be buggy and not always return results
  3. 1

    Great UI/UX structure landing page.
    Being aware of on-page SEO content would be perfect.

  4. 1

    Nice, great landing page.
    My first impressions are good, and jinay sums up the thoughts i had as well :)

    When looking at the page "Learning a design tool: Figma (Preview)", i don't find it very intuitive. What is a resource link, what is the external part.
    What you offer versus what is the external content...

    A website that does something similar is the scrum website's learning paths.

    • overview of the whole learning path, you have something similar, that's great
      • however yours, you click and a new page shows.. you loose track of the overall progress, so perhaps keeping a breadcrumb path to remind the user where in their learning journey they are can be nice?
    • clearly show the title and type of content, for external study material (small letters = not actually meant to be read .. so if its important, its worth showing it clearly enough/big enough?).. personal opinion ;)

    Link to an example: search for scrum dot org "software-developer-learning-path" (i am not allowed to post http links).

    Your idea may be difference, so perhaps this feedback won't be useful :)
    Great idea in any case!
    A clear learning path that combines resources from various sources is super useful.

  5. 1

    Yes, I would also change the header to showcase the variety of learnings you offer, perhaps a cool image of someone learning. I would also change the CTA messaging more "Join its free forever" to "Start learning today for free" or something like that, to provoque user action. Great project!

  6. 1

    Cool concept, I think it would be very powerful if you made visitors feel empowered to take action and sign up on the landing page.

  7. 1

    It looks very good. Few improvements -

    1. Some links in the footer do not work.
    2. Hovering contact in the footer should change the cursor to pointer.
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