Web app for startup founders to build interactive shareable pitch deck pages

Having applied First Principles thinking, we redesigned traditional pitch decks and converted them into a next-gen interactive instrument – landing pitch pages.

Our web app, ezPitch, covers all questions startups have while working on a pitch. It makes all the necessary information readily available so that no other resource or tool is needed.

The app replaces coaches, advisors, and graphic designers and saves time on preliminary research. Thus, startups founders get the best result with minimum time and effort spent.

We've developed ezPitch so that any founder could build no-code pre-designed shareable pitch pages and pitch with ease.

Our free beta is available here: https://app.ezventure.co/

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    Are you open to integrations?

    Have a product just launching in the same space, but a different and complimentary part of it.

    While you are focused on creating the deck, boardroom.vc is focused on the investor network and relationship.
    Viewing decks and tracking interactions being complimentary shared overlap.
    Can see you have some investor outreach which is something we could amplify to a much higher level.

    Could see the 2 stronger working together if interested.

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      Thank you for suggesting! Let us think about it.

  2. 2

    I like the structure, it's very much needed. That said, I usually make very pretty looking pitch decks, that still adhere to a good structure. How do you support that?

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      Thanks for your feedback! Really appreciate your comment. What would be most useful for you in this case?

  3. 2

    From your site:

    "Track how many investors open your pitch and what they spend the most time on"

    This is a really valuable feature. Even more so if it's specific analytics e.g., Jane opened the pitch for the first time on Monday, then came back to it several times throughout Tuesday and Wednesday as opposed to 35 people visited your deck today.

    Docsend offers features around this that I've heard are a bit of a game-changer, compared to sending via email (see: https://www.docsend.com/features/analytics/).

    I recommend that you make this feature more prominent on your landing page.

    The other major benefit, over emailing decks, is making tweaks on the fly based on feedback during the fundraising cycle. You send one link (to a living document) so you know that everyone is always looking at your best (most up-to-date) version.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much for your thoughts, Scott!

      Yeah, we're going to provide quite extensive investor engagement analytics like who and when was reading the deck, which deck sections were looked through, and so on. And yes, you can amend the deck even after it was sent.
      Also, we believe, it's going to be comfortable for investors as well. They can review decks from any device without downloading anything. And even communicate with founders right there.

      1. 2

        Awesome. Good luck!

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