Webflow SEO: Optimizing SEO Meta Tags

Hey friends,

I wanted to share a guide I wrote around optimizing SEO meta tags on Webflow sites.

The guide provides you with a couple of tips that you can use to make your site more appealing to potential visitors and increase those Google CTR numbers!

SEO can be confusing and daunting to non-marketing peps. So this is a self-contained guide with quick and simple tips that I use when doing SEO for global brands at my full-time job.

Here are the main points I cover:
What are meta tags, and why should you care?
Optimizing Page Titles (or title tags)
Writing descriptive and engaging Meta Descriptions
Optimizing meta tags on Webflow CMS Collections
Meta tags at scale: how to manage SEO tags on large Webflow sites

You can read the full article here: https://www.moreduga.com/hub/seo-meta-tags-webflow

Let me know what you think in the comments!

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on November 14, 2020
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