We're in 2021, what's you stack/boilerplate to start a SaaS ?😆

I would be curious to know what you guys use to start your SaaS 😁

I know a lot of people still use Django or Flask with Postgres. But with the rise of FastAPI, Github Actions etc, maybe the stack have changed a little bit. Maybe there are cookiecutter projects that you use to jumpstart your projects ? Maybe some of you use CockroachDB in production ?

Let's share it here 😜 !

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    I use Laravel Spark for a few SaaS websites and it's pretty handy for most scenarios.

    I want to try using Stripe Subscriptions with the PETAL stack (Phoenix/Elixir/Tailwind/Alpine/LiveView) in the near future, but I don't think there's boilerplate for this. It will be interesting to see how easy it is to integrate them.

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      I thought you would use a Python stack, but nice to know ! Did not know about Tailwind and Alpine and @_chrismay says he uses them too. I'll definitively take a look at this ! Thanks :)

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    I still use Django or Pyramid and postgres for my SaaS, depending on the requirements.

    After diving deep into the SPA world for a few years, I've found that building "traditionally rendered" websites much more satisfying and easier to maintain. Tools like TailwindCSS and AlpineJS have brought the fun back to developing Saas projects for me!

    Though, I must say, for my next project, I'm going to try to base my traditionally-rendered website on top of FastAPI, but having it render templates, like Michael Kennedy is working on.

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      Just wanted to chime in with a +1 for "traditional server side FastAPI". I'm optimistic FastAPI can (one day) replace Django, and I've started working on a "full-stack boilerplate" with that goal: https://github.com/tmkontra/fastapi-fullstack-boilerplate

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      Why do you find building traditionnal websites more satisfying that SPA ?

      I will look at these! Thank you !

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        There's a point in every SPA app I've worked on where I get this sense that things are harder than they need to be. It's usually somewhere around having to keep track of which pieces of state I need to keep tracking for which component, having to implement something in JS that the browser does natively, the work of handling extra states, like loading states, waiting for the JS builds, or having to work harder to give good polish to the experience.

        Somewhere in every project, I think about how much simpler the traditional server-rendered app is.

        It really hit home in my last job, where they tried a few projects as a SPA and a few as server-rendered, and they found that server-rendered projects tended to go smoother and were easier to refactor. They tested and analyzed several projects. As a result, they started every project out server-rendered unless the requirements or client demanded otherwise.

        These were incredibly smart and experienced developers making this decision, and working with them made me really appreciate and enjoy the possibilities and performance of server-rendered apps.

        Also, TailwindCSS and AplineJS make working in HTML so much more fun. Having the ability to edit the content, styling, and behavior of a component in one piece of code makes it quicker to create and edit. It's so nice to not have to bounce between separate files or wait for transpiling to get things done.

        Wow. That was much more than I thought I would say. :)

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          Wow ! Thank you for giving much detail, appreciate it :)

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